
Oblikovanje kot povezovalni člen med naravo in človekom
ID Frim, Beti (Author), ID Kozole, Emil (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rutar, Kristina (Comentor)

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V svoji diplomski nalogi raziskujem komunikacijo med ljudmi in rastlinami, specifično mahovi, ter iščem možnosti za razmišljanje o družbi, ki bi temeljila na bolj uravnoteženem sobivanju ljudi z obdajajočim ekosistemom. V svojem delu raziskujem potencial spekulativnega oblikovanja v vlogi povezovalnega člena med naravo in človekom. Zasnovan je vmesnik med mahovi in ljudmi, ki je oblikovan z ravnovesjem med umetniškim in znanstvenim pogledom. Pri tem se osredotočam na potrebe mahov in človeka ter pri oblikovanju vmesnika kot uporabnika upoštevam oba ter napovedujem preskok iz antropocentričnega v ekocentričen način oblikovanja. Oblikovan vmesnik je zasnovan na principu spletnega bloga oziroma personalizirane spletne strani mahu, kjer ta objavlja različne objave o svojem počutju. Na ta način je vzpostavljeno izražanje mahu na internetu, ki ustvari iluzijo bližine in razumevanja s strani človeškega uporabnika. Glede na to da gre za interpretacijo podatkov s pomočjo tehnologije brez človeškega posrednika, odpira ta projekt vprašanja o paradoksalni uporabi tehnologije z namenom povezovanja narave in človeka.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije grafično oblikovanje spekulativno oblikovanje ekocentrično oblikovanje unikatno oblikovanje keramika oblikovanje spletne strani umetna inteligenca diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162033 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Title:Design as a Connecting Link between Nature and Human Beings
In my thesis, I explore the communication between humans and plants, specifically mosses, and seek possibilities for contemplating a society based on a more balanced coexistence of humans with the surrounding ecosystem. In my work, I investigate the potential of speculative design as a bridging agent between nature and humanity. It is designed as an interface between mosses and humans, crafted with a balance between artistic and scientific perspectives. I focus on the needs of both mosses and humans, and in designing the interface as a user, I consider both, anticipating a shift from anthropocentric to ecocentric design. The designed interface is based on the principle of a blog or personalized website for moss, where it posts various updates about its well-being. This establishes moss‘s expression on the internet, creating an illusion of closeness and understanding from the human user. Since it involves interpreting data through technology without human intervention, this project raises questions about the paradoxical use of technology to connect nature and humans.

Keywords:visual communications graphic design speculative design ecocentric design unique design ceramics web design artificial intelligence BA thesis

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