
Analiza arhivskih podatkov franciscejskega katastra na primeru katastrske občine Loke pri Zagorju : diplomska naloga
ID Nikler, Janja (Author), ID Lisec, Anka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Drešček, Urška (Comentor)

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Arhivski podatki zemljiškega katastra so bogat vir za analizo prostorske razdelitve strukture zemljišč in rabe prostora v preteklosti. Namen diplomske naloge je bila analiza arhivskih podatkov franciscejskega katastra, preučitev posestne in parcelne strukture ter rabe prostora na primeru izbrane katastrske občine v času vzpostavitve zemljiškega katastra in narediti primerjavo z današnjim stanjem. Zaokrožena prostorska enota, na katero se ta diplomska naloga nanaša, je katastrska občina Loke pri Zagorju. V okolju GIS smo s postopki georeferenciranja arhivske podatke najprej umestili v izbran koordinatni sistem in jih za namene nadaljnje analize vektorizirali ter s tem vzpostavili prostorsko podatkovno bazo. Katastrski operat franciscejskega katastra poleg grafičnega dela vsebuje tudi spisovni del, ki smo ga prav tako za nadaljnje analize predhodno digitalizirali. Uporabljeni podatki spisovnega dela so bili predvsem podatki o parcelah, zemljepisnih imenih, posestnikih in rabi. Podatke opisnega in grafičnega dela smo kasneje povezali. S povezavo smo preučili posestno in parcelno strukturo, rabo zemljišč in uporabo zemljepisnih, še zlasti ledinskih imen na obravnavanem območju katastrske občine Loke pri Zagorju. Ko smo pridobili rezultate, smo naredili primerjavo z današnjim stanjem v katastru nepremičnin s pomočjo podatkov Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije in stanjem dejanske rabe s pomočjo podatkov Ministrstva za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. Analize so pokazale, da se je posestna in parcelna struktura v katastrski občini Loke pri Zagorju precej spremenila, saj se je na eni strani zgodila urbanizacija, na drugi pa združevanje in podržavljanje parcel. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je bila posestna struktura v času franciscejskega katastra, to je leta 1825, precej raznolika in razdrobljena. Rezultati so v nalogi predstavljeni opisno in grafično.

Keywords:diplomske naloge, geodezija, arhiv, Loke pri Zagorju, franciscejski kataster, ledine, katastrska občina, parcele, posestna struktura, zemljiški kataster, vrsta rabe
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Nikler]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 38 str., 9 str. pril.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162022-e3990cd3-f9f4-0b7b-fab1-3f9ab7750488 This link opens in a new window
UDC:528.44(497.4Loke pri Zagorju)(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:208182275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The analysis of the Franciscan cadastre archive data in the cadastral municipality of Loke pri Zagorju : graduation thesis
Archival data from the land cadastre is a rich source for analysing the spatial distribution of land structure and land use in the past. The aim of this thesis was to analyse the archival data of the Franciscan cadastre, to study the land and parcel structure, and the use of land in the selected cadastral municipality at the time of the establishment of the land cadastre, and to compare it with the current situation. The focused spatial unit in this thesis is the cadastral municipality of Loke pri Zagorju. In the GIS environment, we first georeferenced the archival data into the selected coordinate system and vectorised it for further analysis, thereby establishing a spatial database. The cadastral record of the Franciscean cadastre contains, besides the graphic part, also the written part, which was also digitised for further analysis. The used data from the written part included primarily data on parcels, geographical names, landowners, and land use. Later, we connected the descriptive and graphic parts of the data. This connection allowed us to study the land and parcel structure, land use, and the use of geographical, particularly field names, in the cadastral municipality of Loke pri Zagorju. After obtaining the results, we compared them with the current situation in the real estate cadastre, using data from the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, and the actual land use, using data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food. The analyses showed that the land structure in the cadastral municipality of Loke pri Zagorju has changed significantly, with urbanisation on one side and parcel consolidation and nationalisation on the other. We also found that the land structure during the time of the Franciscean cadastre in 1825 was quite diverse. The results are presented both descriptively and graphically in the thesis.

Keywords:graduation thesis, geodesy, archive, Franciscean cadastre, topographic entities, cadastral municipality, parcel, land possession structure, land cadastre, land cover

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