
Davčna arbitraža v Sloveniji : delo diplomskega seminarja
ID Povh, Blaž (Author), ID Bernik, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svoji nalogi sem se osredotočil na davčno arbitražo, torej na vprašanje, kako kombinirati različne inštrumente plačevanja stroškov dela, da bo neto zaslužek po- sameznika čim večji pri istem bruto strošku. Najprej sem predstavil dohodnino, kdo je upravičen do njenega plačila ter kako se izračuna višino dohodnine. Predstavil sem davčne olajšave, povezane z redno plačo, regresom in plačilom poslovne uspe- šnosti ter z različnimi simulacijami pokazal, kako je mogoče z variiranjem plačila regresa ter poslovne uspešnosti, posamezniku zagotoviti, da čim višji delež svoje bruto plače prejme kot neto plačo, ob tem pa ima ima lahko tudi delodajalec nižji strošek z zaposlenim. V drugi polovici naloge sem se osredotočil na mednarodno davčno primerjavo in sem prikazal, kolikšen delež v BDP v evropskih državah, čla- nicah OECD, predstavljajo prihodki od davkov. Predstavil sem tudi pojem davčni primež in na podatkih za leto 2023 predstavil višino ter strukturo davčnega primeža evropskih držav, članic OECD. V poglavju o mladih in dohodnini pa sem predstavil, kako je s plačilom dohodnine pri študentih ter dijakih. Pokazal sem še, kako je s plačilom akontacije in kako se ji mladi lahko izognejo, davčne olajšave, ki jih lahko koristijo, ter kako optimirati izbiro olajšav, ki jih bodo uveljavljali.

Keywords:davčna arbitraža, davčna optimizacija, davčni primež
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162013 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208350467 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Tax arbitration in Slovenia
In my assignment, I focused on tax arbitration, specifically on how to combine different instruments for paying labor costs to maximize an individual’s net earnings at the same gross cost. I first introduced income tax, who is eligible to pay it, and how the amount of income tax is calculated. I presented tax reliefs related to regular salary, holiday bonuses, and performance-related pay, and through various simulations, demonstrated how varying the payment of bonuses and performance pay can help an individual receive the highest possible share of their gross salary as net pay, while also potentially reducing the employer’s cost of employment. In the second half of the assignment, I focused on international tax comparison, showing the proportion of GDP represented by tax revenues in European OECD member countries. I also introduced the concept of the tax wedge and used 2023 data to present the amount and structure of the tax wedge in European OECD member countries. In the chapter on young people and income tax, I explained how income tax applies to students. I also showed how advance payments work and how young people can avoid them, the tax reliefs they can benefit from, and how to optimize the selection of reliefs they will claim.

Keywords:tax arbitration, tax optimization, tax wedge

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