
Pesniški opus Aleša Štegra in aluzije na modernizem Paula Celana : diplomsko delo
ID Jenčič, Maja (Author), ID Pavlič, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Aleš Šteger je pesnik sodobnega časa, ki odraža vplive modernizma, razvidne iz fluidnosti in eksperimentalnosti strukture verzov. Preko odmika od tradicionalnih konvencij v dehumanizaciji kakor modernisti išče nov izraz in pogosto izraža disonantno hermetičnost. Pesmi so napisane v obliki nagovora tako pojmovanega Drugega, filozofskega termina, ki opredeljuje osebo, ločeno od Jaza, na mestu katere se pogosto pojavlja ženska kot spremljevalka in so-opazovalka dogodkov. Štegrove pesmi tekom opusa kažejo na premik od intimnih notranjih stisk k raziskovanju širšega sveta in prostora skozi potovanje znotraj modernistične abnormalne funkcije prostora in časa. Potovanje postane sredstvo za odkrivanje sveta, eksperimentiranje z občutki in razumevanje preteklosti. Avtorju sorodna je slogovno kompleksna poezija Paula Celana, ključno zaznamovana s tragedijo izgube staršev in okrepljena z njegovo židovsko identiteto. V primerjavi avtorjev je v ospredju pesniški izraz, ki se poslužuje besednega eksperimentiranja. V svojem ustvarjanju samonanašalno posegata v lasten jezik in njegov smisel preko leksike, ritma, tona in drugih jezikovnih elementov. Paradoksalnost protislovnih izjav in semantičnih anomalij, prežetih z bivanjskimi vprašanji, predstavlja izziv bralčevemu umu z uporabo metafor, simbolov, repeticij in drugih pesniških sredstev, preko katerih poudarjata tematske elemente kot so ljubezen, čas, smrt, ter družbena kritika.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, romunska književnost, francoska književnost, modernizem, moderna poezija, Hugo Friedrich, Aleš Šteger, Paul Celan
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Jenčič]
Number of pages:45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162006 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Title:The poetic opus of Ales Šteger and allusions to Paul Celan's modernism
Aleš Šteger is a contemporary poet who reflects the influences of modernism, seen in the fluidity and experimental structure of his verse. Through a departure from traditional conventions, he seeks new expression in dehumanisation, like the modernists, and often expresses a dissonant hermeticism. The poems are written in the form of an address to the Other thus conceived, a philosophical term that defines a person separate from the Self, in whose place the woman often appears as a companion and co-observer of events. In the course of the oeuvre, Steger's poems show a shift from intimate inner distresses to an exploration of the wider world and space through a journey within the modernist abnormal function of space and time. The journey becomes a means of discovering the world, experimenting with feelings and understanding the past. The author's poetry is related to the stylistically complex poetry of Paul Celan, crucially marked by the tragedy of the loss of his parents and reinforced by his Jewish identity. In the comparison of the authors, poetic expression is at the forefront, making use of verbal experimentation. In their work, they self-referentially intervene in their own language and its meaning through lexis, rhythm, tone and other linguistic elements. The paradoxical nature of contradictory statements and semantic anomalies, imbued with existential questions, challenges the reader's mind through the use of metaphors, symbols, repetitions and other poetic devices, through which they emphasise thematic elements such as love, time, death, and social criticism.

Keywords:Slovene literature, Romanian literature, French literature, modernism, modern poetry, Hugo Friedrich, Aleš Šteger, Paul Celan

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