
Natančnost avtomatske poravnave na linearnem pospeševalniku Varian TrueBeam STx pri obsevanju primarnih možganskih tumorjev : magistrsko delo
ID Ropič, Anja (Author), ID But-Hadžić, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žager Marciuš, Valerija (Comentor), ID Smrdel, Uroš (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Možgani so glavni del centralnega živčevja. V onkologiji je radioterapija, poleg kirurgije in sistemske terapije, eden izmed treh temeljnih načinov zdravljenja rakavih bolezni. Za uspešno lokalno zdravljenje potrebujemo visoko natančnost v obsevalnih postopkih, kar pri izvedbi obsevanja zagotavljamo s slikovno vodeno radioterapijo. Bolnikovo lego na obsevalni mizi pred vsako frakcijo popravimo s prestavitvijo mize, glede na izmerjene premike v poravnavi dnevnih slik na aparatu s simulatorskimi slikami. Z avtomatsko poravnavo je mogoče časovno optimizirati obsevalni postopek. Namen: Opredeliti natančnost avtomatske poravnave slik pri slikovni verifikaciji z namiznim slikovnim sistemom in računalniško tomografijo s stožčastim snopom pri obsevanju primarnih možganskih tumorjev na linearnem pospeševalniku TrueBeam STx. Raziskovali bomo tudi natančnost slikovne verifikacije z namiznim slikovnim sistemom in računalniško tomografijo s stožčastim snopom. Metode dela: Na teleradioterapevtskem oddelku Onkološkega Inštituta Ljubljana smo izvedli observacijsko prospektivno ne-intervencijsko klinično raziskavo na izbranem linearnem pospeševalniku, pri radikalnem obsevanju primarnih možganskih tumorjev v časovnem obdobju od 1. 2. 2023 do 1. 11. 2023. V raziskavo smo vključili podatke 29 bolnikov z 18 do 30 frakcijami obsevanja. Rezultati: V vseh translacijskih in dveh rotacijskih smereh se povprečni premik avtomatske in ročne poravnave pri slikanju s slikovno verifikacijo namiznega slikovnega sistema ni razlikoval, v smeri odklona je bila razlika v povprečnih premikih statistično značilna. Razlike v povprečnih premikih avtomatske in ročne poravnave slikovne verifikacije z računalniško tomografijo s stožčastim snopom niso bile statistično značilne v nobeni od šestih merjenih smeri premikov (p ? 0,05). Skupen odstotek translacijskih ročnih dodatnih premikov, ki so presegali mejno vrednost 0,05 cm je bilo 0,05 % pri verifikaciji z namiznim slikovnim sistemom in 0,04 % meritev pri slikovni verifikaciji z računalniško tomografijo s stožčastim snopom. Skupen odstotek rotacijskih ročnih dodatnih premikov, ki so presegali mejno vrednost 0,2° je bilo 0,01 % pri verifikaciji z namiznim slikovnim sistemom kot tudi s slikanjem z računalniško tomografijo s stožčastim snopom. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi rezultatov in ugotovitev, lahko potrdimo, da je protokol slikovne verifikacije pri obsevanju primarnih možganskih tumorjev na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana varen in ustrezen. Ugotovili smo, da ni potrebe po izvedbi premikov s strani radioloških inženirjev po avtomatski poravnavi.

Keywords:magistrska dela, radiološka tehnologija, avtomatska poravnava, primarni možganski tumor, Varian TrueBeam STx, obsevanje, slikovna verifikacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Ropič]
Number of pages:32 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161988 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207951875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Accuracy of automatic alignment on Varian TrueBeam linear accelerator STx in irradiation of primary brain tumors : master thesis
Introduction: The brain is the main part of the central nervous system. In oncology, radiotherapy, alongside surgery and systemic therapy, is one of the three fundamental methods of treating cancer. Successful local treatment requires high precision in radiation procedures, which is ensured during the treatment with image-guided radiotherapy. The patient's position on the treatment table is corrected before each session by adjusting the table based on the measured shifts in alignment of daily images on the device with the simulator images. Automatic alignment can optimize the radiation process in terms of time. Objective: To determine the accuracy of automatic image alignment in image verification using a tabletop imaging system and cone-beam computed tomography during the treatment of primary brain tumors on the TrueBeam STx linear accelerator. We will also investigate the accuracy of image verification with the tabletop imaging system and cone-beam computed tomography. Methods: At the radiotherapy department of the Oncology Institute Ljubljana, we conducted an observational prospective non-interventional clinical study on the selected linear accelerator during radical radiotherapy of primary brain tumors in the period from February 1, 2023, to November 1, 2023. We included data from 29 patients with 18 to 30 treatment fractions. Results: In all translational and two rotational directions, the average shift between automatic and manual alignment during image verification with the tabletop imaging system did not differ. In the roll direction, the difference in average shifts was statistically significant. Differences in average shifts between automatic and manual alignment in image verification with cone-beam computed tomography were not statistically significant in any of the six measured movement directions (p < 0.05). The total percentage of translational manual additional adjustments that exceeded the threshold value of 0.05 cm was 0.05% for verification with the tabletop imaging system and 0.04 % for verification with cone-beam computed tomography. The total percentage of rotational manual additional adjustments exceeding the threshold value of 0.2° was 0.01% for both verification with the tabletop imaging system and with cone-beam computed tomography. Discussion and Conclusion: Based on the results and findings, we can confirm that the image verification protocol for the treatment of primary brain tumors at the Oncology Institute Ljubljana is safe and appropriate. We found that there is no need for manual adjustments after automatic alignment.

Keywords:master's theses, radiologic technology, automatic alignment, primary brain tumor, Varian TrueBeam STx, irradiation, image verification

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