
Primerjava natančnosti ultrazvočnih meritev ledvic med študenti z in brez dodatnega izobraževanja : diplomsko delo
ID Marzel, Luka (Author), ID Mekiš, Nejc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Arnuga, Sašo (Comentor), ID Starc, Tina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Ultrazvok je primarno neinvazivna slikovna diagnostika, ki ima zaradi hitrosti izvedbe preiskave in varnosti ključen pomen v današnji diagnostiki. Ultrazvok je oblika elektromagnetnega valovanja, ki uporablja visokofrekvenčne zvočne valove za prikaz notranjih struktur telesa. Poleg diagnostike se uporablja tudi v terapevtske namene, npr. za drobljenje ledvičnih kamnov oz. litotripsijo. Kljub temu, da je ultrazvok zaradi svojih prednosti najpogosteje uporabljena slikovna diagnostika, je vloga radioloških inženirjev pri delu z ultrazvokom v Sloveniji in nasploh v Evropi omejena. Namen: Opisati fizikalne osnove ultrazvoka, delo radioloških inženirjev na tem področju v Evropi in Sloveniji in ugotoviti ali so študenti z dodatnim izobraževanjem bolj natančni pri ultrazvočnih meritvah ledvic kot tisti brez dodatnega izobraževanja ter kako se rezultati obeh skupini primerjajo z meritvam izkušenega izvajalca. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo za opis fizikalnih osnov ultrazvoka, njegove uporabe in vloge radioloških inženirjev na področju ultrazvočne diagnostike. V presečno študijo smo vključili 36 študentov 3. letnika programa Radiološka tehnologija ki so bili razdeljeni v dve skupini – tiste, ki so (21) in tiste, ki se niso udeležili izbirnega predmeta osnove ultrazvočne diagnostike (15). Pred raziskavo, v kateri smo primerjali ultrazvočne meritve omenjenih skupin, smo pridobili dovoljenje dekanje UL ZF za izvedbo le-teh v prostorih Zdravstvene fakultete. Vsak študent je podpisal privolitev k sodelovanju v raziskavi in objavi anonimnih rezultatov ter pred izvedbo dobil osnovne informacije o diplomski nalogi ter ultrazvočnem prikazu ledvice. Rezultati: S statistično analizo 42 meritev, smo ugotovili, da meritve nobene skupine niso bile primerljive z referenčnimi meritvami, ki jih je pridobil izkušeni izvajalec. Razprava in zaključek: Razlike v natančnosti med prvo in drugo skupino smo pričakovali, saj študenti druge skupine do izvedbe raziskave še nikoli niso uporabljali ultrazvočnega aparata. V pomoč pri orientaciji v telesu preiskovanca pa jim je bilo znanje anatomije, ki so ga pridobili tekom študija. Razlike med natančnostjo prve skupine in izkušenim izvajalcem lahko razložimo tako, da so študenti imeli le 15 ur laboratorijskih vaj več mesecev pred izvedbo meritev. Če bi nadaljevali z raziskovanjem, bi vključili še študente nižjih letnikov in druge stopnje študija Radiološka tehnologija in tako pridobili več meritev. Menimo, da smo zastavljen cilj dosegli in odgovorili na raziskovalna vprašanja.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, radiološki inženir, ultrazvočna diagnostika, primerjava ultrazvočnih meritev ledvic
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Marzel]
Number of pages:21 str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161985 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207958019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of the accuracy of ultrasonic measurements of kidneys among students with and without additional education : diploma work
Introduction: Ultrasound is primarily a non-invasive diagnostic technique that is of crucial importance in today's diagnostics due to the speed of the examination and its safety. It is a form of electromagnetic radiation in which high-frequency sound waves are used to visualize internal body structures. In addition to diagnostics, it is also used for therapeutic purposes, e.g. in lithotripsy. Although ultrasound is the most commonly used imaging technique, the role of radiographers in this field is limited in Slovenia and Europe as a whole. Purpose: The aim is to describe the physical principles of ultrasound and the work of radiographers in this field in Europe and Slovenia and to determine whether students with additional training are more accurate in ultrasound measurements of the kidneys than those without the same training and how the results of both groups compare with the measurements of an experienced practitioner. Methods: We used a descriptive method to describe the physical basis of ultrasound, its applications, and the role of radiographers in the field of ultrasonography. In a cross-sectional study, we enrolled 36 third-year radiography students and divided them into two groups - those who attended the elective course in the fundamentals of ultrasonography (21) and those who did not (15). Prior to the study in which we compared the ultrasound measurements of these groups, we obtained permission from the dean to conduct it on the premises of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Each student signed a consent form to participate in the study and to publish the anonymous results. They were also given basic information about the work and the ultrasound examination of the kidney before the measurements were taken. Results: When we statistically analyzed 42 measurements, we found that none of the groups' measurements were comparable to the reference measurements determined by the expert. Discussion and conclusion: We expected differences in accuracy between the first and second groups, as the students in the second group had never used an ultrasound machine before the study. Their knowledge of anatomy acquired during their studies helped them to orient themselves in the subject's body. The differences in accuracy between the first group and the experienced practitioner can be explained by the fact that the students had only 15 hours of laboratory practice several months before the measurements. If we were to continue the study, we would include students from lower years and students from the second cycle of the Radiologic Technology program to obtain more measurements. We believe that we have achieved our set goal and answered the research questions.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiological technology, radiographer, ultrasound imaging, comparison of ultrasound renal measurements

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