
Vpliv prostovoljne iniciative AEO na carinski postopek podjetij v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
ID Kovačič, Tina (Author), ID Aristovnik, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem vedno bolj globaliziranem okolju se zmanjšujejo ovire v mednarodni trgovini in investicijah. Sočasno s popolno vzpostavitvijo enotnega notranjega trga Evropske unije (v nadaljevanju EU) se povečuje potreba po zagotavljanju varnosti na zunanjih mejah EU. S tem je prišlo do preoblikovanja vloge carinskih organov, ki so postali ključni pri nadzoru in upravljanju mednarodne trgovine, spodbujajo konkurenčnost med državami in podjetji. Dne 9. oktobra 2013 je bil uveljavljen nov Carinski zakonik Unije (v nadaljevanju CZU), ki odraža spremenjeno gospodarsko realnost in vlogo carinskih organov. CZU prinaša pomembne zakonodajne poenostavitve, omogoča uporabo sodobnih orodij in tehnologij, modernizira pristope k carinski kontroli ter s tem ustvarja temelje za učinkovite in enostavne carinske postopke. Magistrsko delo obravnava carinski položaj pooblaščenega gospodarskega subjekta – AEO. Ustanovitev statusa AEO in njegova mednarodna uveljavitev odražata potrebo sodobne družbe po zaščiti pred naraščajočimi ter udejanjenimi grožnjami terorističnih združb in drugih nelegalnih organizacij. Namen uveljavitve statusa AEO je vzpostavitev varne mednarodne dobavne verige, kjer imajo vsi gospodarski subjekti, vključno z imetniki statusa AEO, ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju najvišjega nivoja varnosti med trgovinskimi postopki držav po svetu. V delu je predstavljena zakonska implementacija statusa AEO v Evropski uniji, prednosti in ugodnosti, ki jih status ponuja, ter njihovi rezultati. Raziskano je tudi področje identifikacije novih prednosti in koristi ter opredelitev vloge Evropske komisije. Opravljena je anketa med slovenskimi imetniki statusa AEO, ki opredeljuje njihovo zadovoljstvo z dosedanjimi pridobitvami in pričakovanji za prihodnost.

Keywords:Evropska unija, Carinski zakonik Unije, carinski postopki, pooblaščeni gospodarski subjekt, Svetovna carinska organizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Kovačič]
Number of pages:XI, 103 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161953 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207968003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of the AEO voluntary initiative on the customs procedure of companies in Slovenia
In today's increasingly globalized environment, barriers in international trade and investments are diminishing. Simultaneously, with the full establishment of the European Union's (hereafter EU) single internal market, there is a growing need to ensure security at the EU's external borders. This has led to a transformation in the role of customs authorities, making them pivotal in monitoring and managing international trade, fostering competitiveness among countries and businesses. On October 9, 2013, the new Union Customs Code (hereafter UCC) was adopted, reflecting the altered economic reality and the role of customs authorities. The UCC brings significant legislative simplifications, allows the use of modern tools and technologies, modernizes approaches to customs control, and thereby aims to provide a foundation for efficient and straightforward customs procedures. The master's thesis focuses on the customs position of an authorized economic operator – AEO. The establishment and international recognition of the AEO status reflect the contemporary society's need for protection against increasing and realized threats from terrorist groups and other illegal organizations. Simultaneously, it aims to facilitate simplified customs procedures for trustworthy economic entities. The purpose of implementing the AEO status is to establish a secure international supply chain, where all economic entities, including AEO status holders, play a crucial role in ensuring the highest level of security in trade procedures worldwide. The thesis presents the legal implementation of the AEO status in the European Union, the advantages and benefits it offers, and their outcomes. It also explores the identification of new advantages and benefits, along with defining the role of the European Commission. A survey among Slovenian AEO status holders is conducted to determine their satisfaction with past achievements and expectations for the future.

Keywords:European Union, Union Customs Code, customs procedures, authorized economic operator, World Customs Organization

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