
Mednarodnopravni vidiki reševanja problematike onesnaževanja s plastiko
ID Pipan, Laura (Author), ID Kovič Dine, Maša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru svojega magistrskega diplomskega dela z naslovom Mednarodnopravni vidiki reševanja problematike onesnaževanja s plastiko sem predstavila obstoječe in bodoče mednarodnopravne načine reševanja onesnaževanja s plastiko. Plastično onesnaževanje je pereča okoljska tematika, o njenih dolgoročnih vplivih na zdravje ljudi in vseh živih organizmov na Zemlji pa vemo zelo malo, zato je neizogibno hitro ukrepanje na vseh področjih. Tudi v sferi prava, kjer zavezujoči in nezavezujoči mednarodni dokumenti obstajajo vse od sedemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja in ki sem jih podrobneje predstavila in izpostavila dele, ki se nanašajo na konkretni problem, je še veliko prostora za napredek. Namreč noben izrecno ne ureja celotnega cikla plastike, od njene proizvodnje, uporabe, porabe do odlaganja in recikliranja, kar je bistvo krožnega gospodarstva za zmanjšanje odpadkov. Zato je od marca 2022 v nastajanju globalna pogodba o plastiki, da se dokončno na enem mestu zberejo vsi cilji, načela, vsebinske in postopkovne rešitve pri preprečevanju ali vsaj zmanjšanju onesnaževanja s plastiko in mikroplastiko. V zaključku sem zbrala še nekaj drugih ustreznih ukrepov, ki se že ali bi se lahko brez odlašanja začeli izvajati za boljši jutri.

Keywords:onesnaževanje s plastiko, mednarodno okoljsko pravo, globalna pogodba o plastiki, trajnostni razvoj, krožno gospodarstvo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2024
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Title:International Legal Aspects of Solving Plastic Pollution
As part of my Master's thesis entitled International Legal Aspects of Solving Plastic Pollution, I presented the existing and future international ways of solving plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is a pressing environmental issue and we know very little about its long-term impact on human health and all living organisms on Earth, so it is imperative to act in all areas. Even in the area of law, where there have been binding and non-binding international documents since the 1970s, which I have presented in more detail and highlighted the parts that relate to a specific problem, there is still much room for progress. This is because there is no explicit regulation of the entire plastic cycle, from production, use, consumption to disposal and recycling, which is the essence of a circular economy to reduce waste. Therefore, a global plastics treaty has been in the works since March 2022 to finally collect all these goals, principles, substantive and procedural solutions to prevent or reduce plastic and microplastic pollution. In conclusion, I compiled some other relevant measures that have already been implemented or could be implemented without delay for a better future.

Keywords:plastic pollution, international environmental law, global plastics treaty, sustainable development, circular economy

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