
Izpolnjevanje zakonske kvote zaposlenih invalidov v invalidskem podjetju: študija primera izbranega podjetja SŽ-ŽIP, storitve, d.o.o.
ID Gradin, Daša (Author), ID Ignjatović, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z vidika vključevanja invalidov v družbo je zagotovo pomembna njihova zaposlitev. Glede na ovire, s katerimi se soočajo in zaradi katerih imajo zmanjšano delovno zmožnost, so tako tudi težje zaposljivi. Invalidi se lahko na trg dela vključijo preko različnih oblik zaposlovanja. Ena izmed njih je tudi zaposlitev v invalidskem podjetju. Da bi podjetje lahko pridobilo in tudi ohranjevalo status invalidskega podjetja, mora izpolnjevati pogoj, in sicer določen obvezen delež zaposlenih invalidov oz. kvoto. Gre za t.i. kvotni sistem oz. sistem obveznega zaposlovanju deleža zaposlenih invalidov v podjetju, kar je tudi osrednja raziskovalna tema moje naloge. Družba lahko posluje kot invalidsko podjetje, če med celim poslovnim letom zaposluje in usposablja najmanj 40% invalidov od vseh zaposlenih v družbi. Leta 2011 je novela ZZRZI zaostrila pogoje za oprostitev plačila prispevkov za vse zaposlene v invalidskem podjetju na vsaj 50% zaposlenih invalidov, kar je invalidskim podjetjem v veliki večini bistveno spremenilo pogoje poslovanja. Preko teoretičnih izhodišč, ki urejajo zaposlovanje invalidov v Republiki Sloveniji in študije primera dosedanje prakse zagotavljanja ustreznega deleža zaposlenih invalidov v izbranem podjetju SŽ-ŽIP, d.o.o., ugotavljam, da se bo podjetje moralo za stalen dotok delavcev s statusom invalida osredotočiti predvsem na zunanji trg delovne sile (izven skupine družb SŽ) , saj je notranji trg (interni železniški) že v precejšnji meri izpraznjen.

Keywords:invalid, invalidnost, delovna zmožnost, invalidsko podjetje, kvota
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161925 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Fulfilling the legal quota of disabled employees in a disabled company: case study of the selected company SŽ-ŽIP, storitve, d.o.o.
From the point of view of the inclusion of disabled people in society, their employment is certainly important. Considering the obstacles they face and due to which they have a reduced ability to work, they are also more difficult to employ. Disabled people can enter the labor market through various forms of employment. One of them is employment in a disabled company. In order for a company to acquire and maintain the status of a company with disabilities, it must meet a condition, namely a certain mandatory share of disabled employees or quota. It is a so-called quota system or the system of mandatory employment of the share of employees with disabilities in the company, which is also the central research topic of my thesis. A company can operate as a company with disabilities if it employs and trains at least 40% of all employees in the company with disabilities during the entire business year. In 2011, the ZZRZI amendment tightened the conditions for exemption from paying contributions for all employees in a company with disabilities to at least 50% of employees with disabilities, which significantly changed the operating conditions for the vast majority of companies with disabilities. Based on the theoretical starting points that regulate the employment of disabled people in the Republic of Slovenia and case studies of the current practice of ensuring an appropriate share of employed disabled people in the selected company SŽ-ŽIP, d.o.o., I conclude that the company will have to focus primarily on the external labor market for a constant influx of workers with a disabled status forces (outside the SŽ group of companies), as the internal market (internal railway market) is already largely empty.

Keywords:disabled people, disability, ability to work, disability company, quota

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