
Primerjalna analiza Slovenije in izbranih držav na področju privatizacije v izobraževanju : diplomsko delo
ID Koder, Mitja (Author), ID Petkovšek, Veronika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Privatizacija izobraževanja je postala splošno sprejet koncept, ki ga je mogoče razumeti in uporabiti v izobraževalni praksi na številne načine. Razlogi za privatizacijo in njene oblike na različnih ravneh izobraževanja se v izobraževalnih sistemih razlikujejo. Namen diplomskega dela je proučiti in analizirati trend privatizacije v izobraževanju ter njegove pozitivne in negativne učinke na izobraževalno politiko. Cilj je primerjati Slovenijo z izbranimi evropskimi državami, da bi identificirali dobre in slabe prakse privatizacije v izobraževanju ter ocenili povezavo med privatizacijo in proračunskimi sredstvi. Raziskava temelji na kvalitativnih metodah, vključno z deskriptivno metodo, metodo kompilacije ter študijo primera. Analiza vključuje pregled domače in tuje literature ter primerjalno analizo med Slovenijo in izbranimi državami. Uporabljeni sta tudi komparativna metoda za ugotavljanje podobnosti in razlik ter metoda sinteze za združitev ugotovitev. Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo, da se trend privatizacije v izobraževanju krepi predvsem zaradi globalizacije in vpliva mednarodnih organizacij. Privatizacija prinaša prednosti, kot je povečana učinkovitost, pa tudi slabosti, kot je zmanjšana enakost v dostopu do izobraževanja. V Sloveniji je stopnja privatizacije nižja v primerjavi z nekaterimi drugimi evropskimi državami. Rezultati raziskave so uporabni za oblikovalce izobraževalnih politik, saj nudijo vpogled v vplive privatizacije na izobraževalne sisteme drugih evropskih držav. Primerjalna analiza omogoča prepoznavanje dobrih praks, ki jih lahko Slovenija uporabi, ter opozarja na tveganja, povezana s privatizacijo. Ugotovitve so pomembne tudi za prihodnje raziskave na področju izobraževalne politike.

Keywords:privatizacija izobraževanja, privatno izobraževanje, proračunska sredstva, Slovenija, mednarodna primerjava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Koder]
Number of pages:X, 53 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161910 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207672579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative analysis of Slovenia and selected countries in the field of privatisation in education
Privatization in education has become a widely accepted concept that can be understood and applied in educational practice in many ways. The reasons for privatization and its forms differ at different levels of education in educational systems. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to study and analyse the trend of privatisation in education and its positive and negative effects on education policy. The objective is to compare Slovenia with selected European countries in order to identify good and bad practices of privatisation in education and to assess the link between privatisation and budgetary resources. The research is based on qualitative methods, including descriptive, compilation and case study methods. The analysis includes a review of domestic and foreign literature and a comparative analysis between Slovenia and selected countries. The comparative method is also used to identify similarities and differences, as well as the synthesis method to synthesise the findings. The findings of the research show that the trend towards privatisation in education is increasing, mainly due to globalisation and the influence of international organisations. Privatisation brings both advantages, such as increased efficiency, and disadvantages, such as reduced equity in access to education. Slovenia has a lower rate of privatisation than some other European countries. The results of the survey are useful for education policy makers as they provide insights into the impact of privatisation on the education systems of other European countries. The comparative analysis allows for the identification of good practices that can be applied in Slovenia and highlights the risks associated with privatisation. The findings are also relevant for future research in the field of education policy.

Keywords:privatisation of education, private education, budgetary resources, Slovenia, international comparison

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