
Korporativno znamčenje skozi teorijo družbenega konstrukcionizma in paradigmo soustvarjanja : diplomsko delo
ID Spasović, Rok Mišo (Author), ID Kamin, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo v luči interpretativnega pristopa k razumevanju in uresničevanju korporativne identitete skozi proces (so)upravljanja in soustvarjanja njenega pomena, vrednosti ter raison d'etre razkriva obstoječo vrzel med še vedno prevladujočim funkcionalističnim obvladovanjem organizacijskega razvoja in bolj vključujočim, transformativnim poslanstvom družbeno konstruiranega »boljšega jutri« za vse, ne le za korporativno peščico. Raziskovalno vprašanje se glasi: Kako vodenje vpliva na strateško usklajevanje multiplih, raznolikih organizacijskih identitet s krovno korporativno identiteto organizacije oziroma natančneje, s katerimi mehanizmi vpliva lahko vodstvo v primeru razkoraka med več organizacijskimi identitetami ter krovno korporativno identiteto spodbuja premike od dejanskega k želenemu stanju? Empirični del diplomske naloge temelji na kvalitativni metodologiji raziskovanja, in sicer na poglobljenih polstrukturiranih intervjujih s strokovnjakinjami na področjih korporativnega upravljanja, znamčenja, marketinga in upravljanja s človeškim kapitalom. Ugotovitve poleg identificiranih ključnih mehanizmov vpliva pomembno osvetljujejo tudi priložnost za premostitev zaznane vrzeli, predvsem v smeri nadaljnjega raziskovanja uporabnih in komplementarnih rešitev, s katerimi bo moč jasneje, natančneje in predvsem bolj transparentno ovrednotiti potencial, uresničljivost in učinek deljenega raison d'etre.

Keywords:korporativna identiteta, organizacijska identifikacija, korporativno znamčenje, družbeni konstrukcionizem, soustvarjanje pomena
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:R. M. Spasović
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (91 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161898 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210550275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Corporate branding through the lens of social constructionism and co-creation
The thesis takes an interpretative approach to understanding and realizing the corporate identity via the process of (co-)managing and co-creating its meaning, value, and raison d'être. It reveals an existing gap between the still-dominant functionalist control over the organizational development processes and the more inclusive, transformative purpose of a socially constructed “better tomorrow” for all, not just the corporate elite. The research question is as follows: How does leadership influence the strategic alignment of multiple, diverse organizational identities with the overarching corporate identity or, more precisely, which influence mechanisms can leadership employ to encourage shifts from the current state to the desired state in the case of discrepancies between various organizational identities and the overarching corporate identity? The empirical part of the thesis is based on the qualitative research methodology, specifically in-depth semi-structured interviews with experts in corporate management, branding, marketing, and human capital management. The findings not only identify key influence mechanisms but also significantly highlight the opportunity for bridging the observed gap, particularly by further exploring practical and complementary solutions that can assess the potential, feasibility, and impact of a shared raison d'être more clearly, accurately, and above all, transparently.

Keywords:corporate identity, organizational identification, corporate branding, social constructionism, co-creation of meaning

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