
Segmentacija tumorskega ožilja na osnovi hiperspektralnega slikanja in laserskega slikanja s pegami
ID Kapel, Špela (Author), ID Milanič, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tomanič, Tadej (Comentor)

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Žile v tumorjih igrajo pomembno vlogo pri razvoju tumorjev, zato je poznavanje njihovih značilnosti pomembno za razumevanje rasti tumorjev. Poleg klasičnih slikovnih tehnik, kot so CT in MRI, se za slikanje in proučevanje ožilja tumorjev uporabljajo tudi optične slikovne tehnike, ki uporabljajo principe tkivne optike za pridobivanje informacij o slikanih tkivih. Metoda hiperspektralnega slikanja (HSI) je namenjena hkratnemu prostorskemu in spektralnemu slikanju ter omogoča zajem spektra odbite ali prepuščene svetlobe v vsaki točki slike. Tehnika slikanja z laserskimi pegami (LSCI) pa je s slikanjem časovne ali prostorske dinamike laserskih interferenčnih vzorcev oz. peg na tkivih uporabna za oceno pretoka krvi v tkivih. Obe metodi tako data informacije o ožiljenosti tkiv. V nalogi sem opisala oba sistema slikanja in kako delujeta ter predstavila osnovne pojave interakcij med svetlobo in tkivom. Opisala sem tudi sestavo kože, ki je bila relevantna pri obravnavi, ter kako se z rastjo tumorja spreminja njegovo ožilje. V nadaljevanju sem proučevala ožilje tumorjev, ki so se nahajali v koži miši. V sklopu naloge sem obdelala slike slikane z obema tehnikama ter opisala postopek ročne in polavtomatske segmentacije. Na osnovi slik in segmentacij ožilj, ki sem jih pripravila sama, sem opazovala časovni razvoj žil po vstavitvi tumorja, primerjala pa sem tudi dva različna tumorska modela. Iz obdelanih slik sem lahko opazovala razvoj ožilja tekom dveh tednov, kjer sem lahko videla agresivnejši razvoj žil ob vsaditvi tumorja in nato umirjanje rasti, pri primerjavi tumorskih modelov pa sem videla razlike v ožilju, ki jih povzročijo različne tumorske celice.

Keywords:segmentacija, LSCI, HSI, ožilje, tumor, angiogeneza, slikanje, tkivna optika
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161874 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207897091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Segmentation of tumor vasculature on hyperspectral and laser speckle contrast images
Blood vessels in tumors play an essential role in tumor development, so knowing their characteristics is important for understanding tumor growth. In addition to classic imaging techniques such as CT and MRI, optical imaging techniques, which utilize tissue optics principles, are also used for better imaging and study of the tumor vasculature. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) method is designed for simultaneous spatial and spectral imaging and enables the capture of the spectrum of reflected or transmitted light at each point of the image. On the other hand, Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI) on the other hand, is used to assess blood flow in tissues by imaging the temporal or spatial dynamics of laser interference patterns or speckles on tissues. Both methods also provide information on the vascularity of the tissue. In the assignment, I described both imaging systems and the fundamental interactions between light and tissue for a better understanding. I also explained the composition of the skin and how tumor growth affects its vasculature. In the following sections of the thesis, I studied the vasculature of tumors located in the skin of mice. The thesis also covers the images captured using both techniques and the manual and semi-automatic segmentation process. Based on the image and segmentation of the vessels, which I prepared, I observed the temporal development of the blood vessels after tumor cell insertion, and compared two different tumor models. From the processed images, I observed the development of blood vessels over the course of two weeks, where I could see a more aggressive development of vessels upon tumor implantation and then the growth slowing down. When comparing two different tumor models, I noticed differences in vasculature caused by different tumor cells.

Keywords:segmentation, LSCI, HSI, blood vessels, tumor, angiogenesis, imaging, tissue optics

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