
Vpeljava spektrofotometrične analizne metode za določitev koncentracije proteinov v laboratorij kontrole kakovosti
ID Šikovec, Tina (Author), ID Pajk, Stane (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gartnar, Mana (Comentor)

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Proizvodnja bioloških in podobnih bioloških zdravil, kjer je ključnega pomena njihova kakovost, varnost in učinkovitost, se je v zadnjem obdobju močno okrepila. Ker so takšna zdravila strukturno zelo kompleksna, moramo že med samo proizvodnjo spremljati nastajajoči produkt. Namen magistrske naloge je vpeljava spektrofotometrične analizne metode, ki za določanje koncentracije proteinov in drugih spojin uporablja variabilno optično pot. Ker smo se v laboratoriju s takšno določitvijo srečali prvič, smo se sprva lotili kvalifikacije sistema SoloVPE. Gre za sistem, ki meri absorbance pri različnih dolžinah poti s pomočjo katerih določi koncentracijo vzorca z uporabo enačbe, ki izhaja iz Beer-Lambertovega zakona. Pri namestitveni kvalifikaciji smo namestili Cary spektrofotometer in računalnik ter programsko opremo ViPER. Sledila je kvalifikacija delovanja, kjer smo izvedli poravnavo optičnega kabla, preverjanje spojnika in hitri preizkus za optimalno delovanje sistema. Preverjali smo, če sistem po namestitvi dosega ustrezno vrednost prenosa svetlobe. V naslednjem koraku kvalifikacije smo izvedli validacijski test, s katerim smo potrjevali pravilno namestitev in delovanje sistema SoloVPE. Validacijski test je obsegal test prenosa svetlobe, preizkus ponovljivosti dolžine poti ter preizkus linearnosti. Po uspešno potrjenih korakih kvalifikacije smo se lotili prenosa analizne metode. Prenesli smo jo iz laboratorija, kjer je le-ta že validirana. Preverjali smo, ali laboratorij kontrole kakovosti v Mengšu izpolnjuje ustrezne standarde delovanja za analizo medprocesnih vzorcev. Testne vzorce smo izbrali na podlagi matriksa in pričakovane koncentracije proteina ter reprezentativnosti za intermediate našega projekta. Rezultate smo vrednotili skladno s kriteriji sprejemljivosti za analizo in prenos analizne metode. Med izvajanjem analiz na SoloVPE smo bili pozorni tudi na razlike z izvedbo analiz s klasično UV-VIS metodo. Opazili smo številne slabosti klasične UV-VIS metode, kot na primer večja poraba časa za pripravo vzorcev, previdnost pri pripravi vzorcev, da le-tega količinsko ne zmanjka in zamudnost izvedbe analize enega vzorca. Glede na skladnost vseh rezultatov s kriteriji sprejemljivosti smo po zaključku kvalifikacije in prenosu metode potrdili, da smo udejanjili naš cilj. Laboratorij kontrole kakovosti v Mengšu smo kvalificirali za izvedbo analize z uporabo sistema SoloVPE. Analizna metoda je tako postala del že vzpostavljenih analitskih metod.

Keywords:spektroskopija, SoloVPE, kvalifikacija, prenos analizne metode
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161868 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Implementation of a spectrophotometric analytical method for determination of protein concentrations into the quality control laboratory
The production of biological and biosimilar medicines, where quality, safety, and efficiency are crucial, has recently significantly increased. Due to the structural complexity of these medicines, we have to monitor the emerging product during production. The purpose of our master's thesis is the implementation of the spectrophotometric analytical method that uses a variable optical path to determine concentration of proteins and other compounds. Since this was our first time we encountered such a determination in the quality control laboratory, we initially undertook the qualification of the SoloVPE system. This system measures absorbance at different path lengths and determines the sample concentration using an equation based on Beer-Lambert Law. During the installation qualification, we installed the Cary spectrophotometer, computer and ViPER software. This was followed by an operational qualification, where we aligned the optical cable, checked the connector and conducted a quick test for optimal system performance. We checked if the system achieved the appropriate light transmission value after installation. In the next qualification step, we performed a validation test to confirm the correct installation and operation of the system. The validation test consisted the light transmission test, the pathlength repeatability test and the linearity test. After successfully completed these qualification steps, we proceeded with the transfer of the analytical method. We transfered it from a laboratory where it was already validated. We checked whether the quality control laboratory in Mengeš meets the appropriate operational standards for in-process sample analysis. The test samples were selected based on the matrix, expected protein concentration and representativeness for the intermediates of our project. The results were evaluated according to the acceptance criteria for the analysis and method transfer. While performing analyses on the SoloVPE, we also noted differences compared to analyses performed with the classical UV-VIS method. We observed several disadvantages of the classical UV-VIS method, such as the longer preparation time, the caution required to avoid sample depletion and the time-consuming of analyzing a single sample. Given the compliance of all results with the acceptance criteria, we can confirm that we have achieved our objective after completing the qualification and method transfer. The quality control laboratory in Mengeš has been qualified to perform analyses using the SoloVPE system and the analytical method has now become part of the established analytical methods.

Keywords:spectroscopy, SoloVPE, qualification, transfer of the analytical method

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