
Ogljični odtis transporta vina
ID Koželj, Jan (Author), ID Pogačar, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Slovenija v povprečju v vseh vinorodnih deželah in okoliših letno pridela med 63 in 89 milijoni litrov vina. Diplomsko delo obravnava ogljični odtis transporta vina. S pomočjo podatkov izbranega distribucijskega podjetja smo izvedli izračun ogljičnega odtisa transporta vina po Sloveniji. Podatke podjetja o prevoženih razdaljah smo uredili po vinarjih glede na vinorodne okoliše in kupcih glede na bližino večjih mest ter izračunali povprečne razdalje. Nadalje smo povprečne razdalje izračunali od posamezne vinorodne dežele do distribucijskega podjetja in nato od distribucijskega podjetja do regije končnega kupca, pri čemer imamo za leto 2023 tudi podatke o številu kupljenih steklenic iz vsake vinorodne dežele in prodanih steklenic v vsako regijo. Skupni ogljični odtis transporta vina po Sloveniji je v letu 2023 za izbrano podjetje znašal 90 ton CO2. Povprečni ogljični odtis transporta steklenice vina od pridelovalca do izbranega distributerja in naprej do kupca je znašal 0,07 kg CO2. Ogljični odtis se povečuje z večjimi razdaljami ali neučinkovito logistiko. S hipotetičnim izračunom smo pokazali, kako se ogljični odtis zmanjša, če uporabimo nizkoemisijska prevozna sredstva. Kot ključne ukrepe za zmanjšanje ogljičnega odtisa transporta vina so priporočeni optimizacija logističnih poti, spodbujanje lokalnih trgov in prehod na nizko emisijska prevozna sredstva z uporabo obnovljivih virov energije.

Keywords:ogljični odtis, vino, transport, podnebne spremembe, toplogredni plini
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161863 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207872515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Carbon footprint of wine transport
On average, Slovenia produces between 63 and 89 million litres of wine per year across all wine-growing regions. The thesis deals with the carbon footprint of wine transport. Using data from a selected distribution company, we have calculated their carbon footprint of wine transport across Slovenia. The company's data on distances travelled were organised by winegrower according to wine-growing regions and by customer according to proximity to major cities, and average distances were calculated. We have further calculated the average distances from each wine-growing region to the distribution company and then from the distribution company to the region of the final buyer, and for 2023 we also have data on the number of bottles purchased from each wine-growing region and the number of bottles sold to each region. The total carbon footprint of transporting wine across the country in 2023 for the selected company is 90 tonnes of CO2. The average carbon footprint of transporting a bottle of wine from the grower to the selected distributor and on to the customer was 0.07 kg CO2. The carbon footprint increases with longer distances or inefficient logistics. We have shown by a hypothetical calculation how the carbon footprint is reduced if low-emission means of transport are used. Optimising logistics routes, promoting local markets and switching to low-emission transport using renewable energy sources are recommended as key measures to reduce the carbon footprint of wine transport.

Keywords:carbon footprint, wine, transport, greenhouse gases, climate change

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