The highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) thrives in Slovenia in the Ljubljansko barje area and the Prekmurje-Prlekija region. There are not enough suitable soils with a sufficiently low pH and an adequate proportion of organic matter in Slovenia and worldwide in relation to demand. Growers have tried a lot of alternative blueberries growing technologies in recent years. The technology of cultivation in containers or bags filled with a substrate has proven to be the most effective, at moisture content in the substrate and water drainage. It is very important that the substrate contains a sufficiently large proportion of organic matter and the appropriate pH. With this technology, an appropriate size of containers, a highly developed irrigation system with four drip emitters per container and the correct dosing of fertilizers over irrigatio system are recommended. The plantation of blueberries can be in the open air, in a high tunnel or in a greenhouse, covered with anti-hail net, and during the ripening period, with anti-insect net too.