
Tehnološka pot od ideje do knjige
ID Ropret, Ana (Author), ID Možina, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali definicijo knjige, zanjo primerne materiale, njeno sestavo, primerno izbiro tiska in tehnološke procese v fazi dodelave. Poglobili smo se tudi v naročnika in njegovo izbiro med založbo in samozaložbo. Novim avtorjem smo predstavili celoten postopek izdelave knjige in jih seznanili z ugodnejšimi oblikovnimi in tehnološkimi rešitvami. Ker se veliko avtorjev v ta postopek spušča prvič, smo predstavili tudi pristop do založbe, pričakovanja in pripravo na prvi sestanek z založnikom in v primeru samozaložbe predstavili, s kakšnimi postopki se bodo srečali, na kaj morajo biti pozorni in prikazali optimalno rešitev za končni izgled knjige. Namen diplomskega dela je bil izdelati knjigo po naročilu in spremljati celoten tehnološki postopek njenega nastajanja. V praktičnem delu smo se sestali z naročnico, zastavili cilje in končni izgled knjige. Nadaljevali smo z grafično pripravo in pripravo za tisk. V fazi tiska in ostalih tehnoloških operacijah smo se poglobili v delovanje strojev, njihovo pripravo, uporabljene materiale in postopke dela. Uporabljeni so bili številni stroji, s katerimi smo lahko oblikovali knjigo s trajno vrednostjo. Ugotovili smo, da je cena končnega izdelka odvisna od želja naročnika, saj lahko izbira med številnimi dodatki, okraski in materiali, ki zahtevajo svojo ceno.

Keywords:Knjiga, knjižni blok, platnica, trajna vrednost, tehnološke operacije.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161830 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Technological path from idea to book
In the diploma thesis, we researched the definition of a book, its suitable materials, its composition, the appropriate choice of printing and the technological processes in the finishing phase. We also delved into the client and his choice between a publishing house and self-publishing. We presented the entire book production process to new authors and introduced them to more favourable design and technological solutions. Since many authors are embarking on this process for the first time, we also presented the approach to the publishing house, expectations and preparation for the first meeting with the publisher. In the case of self-publishing, we presented what procedures they would encounter and what they needed to pay attention to, and we showed the optimal solution for the book's final appearance. The diploma thesis aimed to produce a book, to order and monitor the entire technological process of its creation. In the practical part, we met with the client to set goals and the final look of the book. We continued with graphic preparation and preparation for printing. In the printing phase and other technological operations, we delved into the operation of the machines, their preparation, the materials used and work procedures. Many machines were used to create a book of lasting value. We found that the price of the finished product depends on the client's wishes, as he can choose from many accessories, decorations and materials that demand their price.

Keywords:Book, book block, cover, lasting value, technological operations.

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