
Mikrofacielna analiza Krikovske formacije v soteski potoka Liščak v Baški grapi
ID Novak Zakeršnik, Nejc (Author), ID Rožič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sklopu diplomske naloge sem preučil in opisal spodnjejursko Krikovsko formacijo v soteski potoka Liščak ter jo primerjal z ostalimi že raziskanimi profili Slovenskega bazena. Raziskovan profil se nahaja v severozahodni Sloveniji, v predgorju Julijskih Alp, v stranski grapi doline reke Kneže. Preiskovani razvoji so nastali v Slovenskem bazenu in danes strukturno pripadajo tektonski enoti Južne Alpe, natančneje Podmelškemu pokrovu, ki je strukturno najnižji izmed pokrovov znotraj Tolminskega pokrova. Znotraj 360 m debelega zaporedja Krikovske formacije prevladujejo hemipelagični apnenci, ki se menjavajo s presedimentiranimi apnenci, med katerimi prevladujejo kalkareniti, pojavljajo pa se tudi plasti apnenčevih breč. V spodnjih 100 m je profil močno dolomitiziran, proti vrhu profila pa se pojavlja vse več lapornatih apnencev. Gomolji in pole roženca se pojavljajo preko celotnega profila. Vzdolž celotnega, detajlno posnetega profila sem izvedel mikrofaciesno analizo karbonatnih plasti. Mikrofaciesi kažejo na sedimentacijo v globokem morju, ob vznožju pobočja, na globokem šelfu ali v bazenu. Sestava kalciturbiditov se preko profila spreminja, kar je posledica sprememb na karbonatni platformi, iz katere je material prihajal. V spodnjem delu profila med zrni prevladujejo intraklasti, mikritizirani ooidi in peloidi, med biogenimi zrni pa je največ foraminifer. Navzgor po profilu je peloidov vse manj. Poleg ooidov in intraklastov je veliko ehinodermov, ki začnejo proti vrhu profila prevladovati med zrni. Podobne spremembe se pojavljajo tudi v že raziskanih zaporedjih Krikovske formacije iz zahodnega dela Slovenskega bazena.

Keywords:Krikovska formacija, mikrofaciesna analiza, spodnja jura, Slovenski bazen, Južne Alpe
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Microfacies analysis of the Krikov Formation in the Liščak Canyon in the Baška Grapa Valley
In this diploma work the Lower Jurassic Krikov Formation in the Liščak stream gorge is studied and descriebed. The section is compared with other previously studied sections from the Slovenian Basin. The studied section is located in north-western Slovenia, in the foothills of the Julian Alps, in a side ravine of the Kneža River valley. The investigated succession deposited in the Slovenian Basin and today structurally belongs to the Southern Alps, more specifically to the Podmelec Nappe, which is structurally the lowest subunit of the Tolmin Nappe. Within the 360m thick sequence of the Krikov Formation, hemipelagic limestones predominate, alternating with calcareous resediments dominated by calcarenites. Beds of limestone breccias also occur. The section is strongly dolomitised in the lowermost 100 m. The proportion marly limestones increases towards the top of the section. Chert-nodules and poles occur throughout the succession. I carried out a microfacies analysis of the carbonate layers along the entire succession. The microfacies indicate sedimentation in the deeper sea, at the base of a slope, on a deep shelf or in a basin. The composition of the calci-turbidites varies along the section as a result of changes in the carbonate platform from which the material came. In the lower part of the section, intraclasts, micritised ooids and peloids dominate the grains, while foraminifera are the most abundant biogenic grains. Higher up the section, peloids become less abundant and, in addition to ooids and intraclasts, echinoderms are abundant and start to dominate the grains towards the top of the succession. Similar changes occur inside already studied successions of the Krikov formation from the west part of the Slovenian Basin.

Keywords:Krikov Formation, Microfacies Analysis, Lower Jurassic, Slovenian Basin, Southern Alps

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