
Zadrževanje kadra v Slovenski vojski v luči socialnoekološkega modela : magistrsko delo
ID Jurkovič, Sara (Author), ID Vuga Beršnak, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zadrževanje kadra je ključno za optimalno delovanje vsake organizacije; pri tem niso izjema niti vojaške organizacije. Vendar so slednje danes za kader prisiljene tekmovati s civilnimi organizacijami, kar že od konca hladne vojne prinaša precejšnje težave. Slovenska vojska ima s pridobivanjem in zadrževanjem kadra težave že vrsto let. Trenutna varnostna situacija v svetu je problematiko le osvetlila in ponovno se je pojavilo zavedanje, da je nujno izboljšati dosedanje prakse na tem področju. Kljub tradicionalnosti in togosti se vojska ne more izogniti dejstvu, da na trg delovne sile vstopajo mlajše, drugačne generacije, ki se jim bo za uspešnost delovanja morala prilagoditi. V magistrskem delu smo pozornost posvetili identificiranju dejavnikov, pomembnih za zadrževanje kadra Slovenske vojske z institucionalnega vidika, ki smo jih presojali skozi prizmo Bronfenbrennerjevega socialnoekološkega modela, ki omogoča prikaz kompleksnosti in povezanosti različnih ravni zadrževanja kadra. S tem namenom so bili poleg pregleda ustrezne tuje in domače literature opravljeni trije intervjuji s strokovnjaki/strokovnjakinjami iz obrambnega sistema (MORS in SV), ki so na podlagi svojih strokovnih izkušenj omogočili identifikacijo dejavnikov in predlagali možne rešitve trenutnega stanja. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je za zadrževanje kadra najbolj pomembna makro raven z dejavnikoma organizacijske kulture in zakonodajnega okvira. To pomeni, da bi bilo treba uvesti predvsem institucionalne izboljšave. Magistrsko delo se opira na teorije zadrževanja kadra (teorije ukoreninjanja, organizacijske psihologije in socialne psihologije).

Keywords:zadrževanje kadra, Slovenska vojska, socialnoekološki model
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Jurkovič
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (88 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161822 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210448643 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Slovenian Armed Forces' personnel retention in the light of the socio-ecological model
Personnel retention is crucial for the optimal functioning of any organization, military organizations being no exception. However, the latter are now forced to compete with civilian organizations for personnel. This major problem has pertained since the end of the Cold War. The Slovenian Armed Forces have had difficulties regarding recruiting and retaining personnel for many years, and the current world security situation has only highlighted the issue. A renewed awareness has emerged as regards the need to improve existing practices in the area. Military, as a typically traditional and rigid organization, cannot neglect the fact that younger and different generations are entering the labor market, and that it will have to adapt in order to succeed. In the Master thesis, we focused on identifying factors that are important for the retention of Slovenian Armed Forces' personnel from an institutional point of view, however, through the prism of Bronfenbrenner’s socio-ecological model; the latter enables us to demonstrate the complexity and interconnection of different levels of personnel retention. To this end, in addition to the review of relevant foreign and domestic literature, three interviews were conducted with experts from the defense system (Ministry of Defense and Slovenian Armed Forces), who, on the basis of their professional experience, enabled the identification of the factors and offered possible solutions to the current situation. The macro-level, with factors of organizational culture and legislative framework, was found to be the most important for personnel retention. This implies that predominantly institutional improvements should be introduced. The Master thesis is based on the theories of personnel retention (job embeddedness theory, organizational psychology theory and theory of social psychology).

Keywords:personnel retention, Slovenian Armed Forces, socio-ecological model

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