
Vpliv pričakovanja na psihofiziološko vzdraženost: analiza s Senstream prstanom : analiza s prstanom Senstream
ID Šmauc, Alja (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ob vizualnemu dražljaju se fiziologija telesa spremeni, vendar je moč spremembe lahko odvisna od tega, če je dražljaj pričakovan ali ne. Raziskava znotraj magistrske naloge želi natančneje raziskati razliko med fiziološkimi odzivi/spremembami vzdraženosti, kadar se dražljaj pričakuje in kadar se ga ne pričakuje. Pri tem se je uporabila noslijva naprava – Senstream prstan. S prstanom se je izmerilo naslednje parametre: elektrodermalno aktivnost, frekvenco srčnega utripa in temperaturo prsta. Subjektivna ocena vzdraženosti je bila izmerjena z prilagojenim vprašalnikom SAM (self-assessment manikin), da se jo je lahko primerjalo z merjenimi fiziološkimi parametri. S povezavo izmerjene fiziologije ter subjektivne ocene sta bile združene discipline fiziologije in psihologije, s čimer je bil pridobljen vpogled v to, kako se človeško telo odziva na dražljaje in kako ta odziv posameznik subjektivno ocenjuje in doživlja. Hipoteza raziskave je usmerjena ter sprašuje, ali je prišlo do statistično značilne razlike v parametru med eksperimentalnima pogojema: v enemu pogoju je vizualni dražljaj pričakovan, v drugemu je dražljaj nepričakovan. Pričakovano je bilo, da se bosta izmerjena fiziologija udeležencev in subjektivna ocena med tema pogojema razlikovali, in sicer da bo v pogoju s pričakovanim dražljajem odziv vzdraženosti višji pri izmerjeni fiziologiji in tudi v subjektivni oceni. Ničelna hipoteza je torej, da med pogojema ni prišlo do statistično pomembne razlike v meritvah in ocenah. Pomembnost raziskave se je izkazala v boljšemu razumevanju vpliva pričakovanja dražljaja na psihofiziologijo človeka in to z uporabo enega novejših orodij za merjenje fizioloških znakov, prstana Senstream. Uporabnost te metode merjenja vzdraženosti je vidna na raznolikih področjih: medicini, trženju, terapiji ipd., kar je bilo podrobneje opisano v poglavju razprava.

Keywords:Senstream, vzdraženost, elektrodermalna aktivnost, frekvenca srčnega utripa, temperatura prsta, pričakovan dražljaj, nepričakovan dražljaj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Šmauc
Number of pages:53 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161821 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207634947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of expectations on psychophysiological arousal : a Senstream ring analysis
The physiology of the body changes when a visual stimulus is presented, but the strength of the change may depend on whether the stimulus is expected or not. The research within the Master thesis aims to investigate more specifically the difference between physiological responses/changes in arousal when a stimulus is expected and when it is not expected. This was done using a wearable device - the Senstream ring. The ring has been be used to measure the following parameters: electrodermal activity, heart rate and finger temperature. Subjective assessment of arousal has been measured with a customised SAM (self- assessment manikin) questionnaire to be compared with the measured physiological parameters. By linking the measured physiology and subjective assessment, the disciplines of physiology and psychology were brought together to gain insight into how the human body responds to stimuli and how this response is subjectively assessed and experienced by the individual. The hypothesis of the research is focused on whether there had been a statistically significant difference in the parameter between the two experimental conditions: in one condition the visual stimulus was expected, in the other condition the stimulus was unexpected. It was expected that the measured physiology of the participants and the subjective evaluation will differ between these two conditions, namely that in the condition with the expected stimulus, the arousal response will be higher in the measured physiology and also in the subjective evaluation. The null hypothesis would therefore be that there will be no statistically significant difference in the measurements and ratings between the two conditions. The importance of the study is to better understand the influence of stimulus expectancy on human psychophysiology using one of the newer tools for measuring physiological signs, the Senstream ring. The usefulness of this method of measuring arousal can be seen in a variety of fields: medicine, marketing, therapy, etc., as will be described in more detail in the discussion section.

Keywords:Senstream, arousal, electrodermal activity, heart rate, finger temperature, expected stimulus, unexpected stimulus

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