
Makroskopske fluktuacije toka solitonov v reverzibilnem celičnem avtomatu pravilo 54
ID Paljk, Luka (Author), ID Žnidarič, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ilievski, Enej (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu obravnavamo makroskopske fluktuacije transporta solitonov v reverzibilnem celičnem avtomatu pravilo 54, ki predstavlja enega izmed najbolj preprostih modelov integrabilne solitonske dinamike. Za opis makroskopske dinamike kiralnih solitonov uporabimo računsko ogrodje posplošene hidrodinamike, ki ponuja kvantitativno teorijo transporta v integrabilnih sistemih z uporabo konceptov integrabilnosti, hidrodinamike in kinetične teorije. Uvedemo tipične in redke fluktuacije v mnogodelčnih sistemih ter predstavimo balistično makroskopsko fluktuacijsko teorijo, s katero analiziramo tipične fluktuacije toka solitonov v obravnavanem modelu in pokažemo, da so te fluktuacije normalne. Nato z balistično fluktuacijsko teorijo izračunamo statistiko štetja pretoka solitonov skozi izhodišče in preverimo veljavnost fluktuacijske zveze Gallavotti-Cohen. Pokažemo, da stacionarni kiralni ansambli, ki maksimizirajo entropijo sistema ne predstavljajo ravnovesnih stanj.

Keywords:neravnovesna statistična fizika, solitoni, RCA54, integrabilnost, posplošena hidrodinamika, transportne fluktuacije, balistična makroskopska fluktuacijska teorija, balistična fluktuacijska teorija, fluktuacijska zveza Gallavotti-Cohen
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161813 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207805955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Macroscopic fluctuations of soliton current in the reversible cellular automaton Rule 54
This master’s thesis deals with macroscopic fluctuations in soliton transport within the reversible cellular automaton Rule 54, which represents one of the simplest models of integrable solitonic dynamics. We employ the theoretical framework of generalized hydrodynamics to study the large-scale dynamics of chiral solitons. This framework provides a quantitative theory of transport in integrable systems by combining concepts from integrability, hydrodynamics, and kinetic theory. We introduce typical and rare fluctuations in many-body systems and present another framework, ballistic macroscopic fluctuation theory, through which we analyze the typical fluc- tuations of soliton current in the studied model and demonstrate that these fluctuations are normal. We then use ballistic fluctuation theory to calculate the full counting statistics of soliton transfer through the origin and verify the validity of the Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation relation. Finally, we show that stationary chiral maximum-entropy states cannot be regarded as equilibrium ones.

Keywords:nonequilibrium statistical physics, solitons, RCA54, integrability, generalized hydrodynamics, transport fluctuations, ballistic macroscopic fluctuation theory, ballistic fluctuation theory, Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation relation

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