
Empirična analiza žanra kriminalke na primeru skandinavskih in slovenskih kriminalk
ID Koncilija, Ema (Author), ID Žunkovič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu s pomočjo različnih računalniških orodij (knjižnice Stylo in drugih knjižnic za analizo naravnega jezika, programskih jezikov R, python idr.) empirično analiziram žanr slovenske kriminalke in raziskujem kvantitativne in stilne podobnosti med najpopularnejšimi sodobnimi kriminalkami slovenskih avtorjev (Tadej Golob, Irena Svetek, Mojca Širok, Avgust Demšar) in kriminalnimi romani Joja Nesbøja. Prvi del naloge je namenjen teoretičnim izhodiščem, kjer pojasnim, kaj je žanr kriminalke, predstavim zgodovino in tipične lastnosti žanra skandinavske in slovenske kriminalke. V drugem delu naloge sledi praktični del, in sicer predstavitev metodologije (različnih metod digitalne humanistike) in vzorca raziskave, ter kvantitativna analiza z orodjem Voyant Tools in stilometrična analiza s paketom Stylo, pri čemer sem se v nalogi osredotočila na metode, kot so klastrska analiza (podobnost glede na 100 najpogostejših besed), večrazsežnostno lestvičenje, analiza osnovnih komponent, metoda srednjega drevesa, metoda klasifikacije, analiza razlik med najpogosteje uporabljenimi besedami idr. Sledi interpretacija rezultatov in kritično vrednotenje opravljene analize. Magistrsko delo želi prispevati k uporabi sodobnih digitalnih metod na področju analize literature, hkrati pa želi opozoriti na raziskovanje žanra slovenske kriminalke, ki je zadnja leta izjemno popularen.

Keywords:digitalna humanistika, slovenska književnost, norveška književnost, skandinavski noir, kriminalka, kriminalni roman, stilometrična analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161808 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207887107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Title:Empirical analysis of the nordic noit genre based on Scandinavian and Slovenian crime fiction novels
In my master’s thesis, I empirically analyze the genre of Slovenian crime fiction using various empirical tools, such as the Stylo library, other natural language processing libraries, and programming languages like R and Python. I explore the quantitative and stylistic similarities between the most popular contemporary crime novels by Slovenian authors (Tadej Golob, Irena Svetek, Mojca Širok, Avgust Demšar) and the crime novels of Jo Nesbø. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the theoretical foundations, where I explain what the crime fiction genre is and present the history and typical characteristics of the Scandinavian and Slovenian crime fiction genres. The second part of the thesis focuses on the practical part, specifically the presentation of the methodology (various digital humanities methods) and the research sample, followed by a quantitative analysis using Voyant Tools and a stylometric analysis with the Stylo package. In this thesis, the emphasis is on cluster analysis (similarity based on the 100 most frequent words), multidimensional scaling, principal component analysis, consensus tree method, classification method, and the analysis of differences between the most frequently used words. The thesis concludes with the interpretation of the results and a critical evaluation of the performed analysis. This master’s thesis aims to contribute to the application of modern digital methods in the field of literature analysis while also highlighting the exploration of the Slovenian crime fiction genre, which has become extremely popular in recent years.

Keywords:digital humanities, Slovenian literature, Norwegian literature, Scandinavian noir, crime novel, crime fiction, stylometric analysis

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