
Analiza delovanja toplotne črpalke v sušilnem stroju na podlagi lastnosti sušilnega zraka
ID Mujagić, Emir (Author), ID Hočevar, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Novak, Lovrenc (Comentor)

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Učinkovitost delovanja sušilnih strojev s toplotno črpalko je tesno povezana z medsebojno odvisnostjo med vlažnim sušilnim zrakom in tokokrogom toplotne črpalke. V okviru naloge smo opisali teoretično ozadje delovanja sušilnega stroja s toplotno črpalko v povezavi z delovanjem parno-kompresijskega cikla. Zasnovali smo merilno postajo in izvedli funkcionalne meritve pri treh različnih masah perila. V programskem jeziku Python smo razvili programsko opremo z grafičnim vmesnikom, ki omogoča podroben vpogled v delovanje sušilnega stroja s poudarkom na povezavi med termodinamičnim ciklom toplotne črpalke na log(p)-h diagramu in lastnostmi vlažnega zraka na vstopu v toplotno črpalko. Analiza je pokazala, da specifična entalpija sušilnega zraka na vstopu v toplotno črpalko pomembno vpliva na delovanje sistema; višja specifična entalpija omogoča večji prenos energije na toplotno črpalko. Poleg tega so termodinamične lastnosti hladiva ključne za optimizacijo učinkovitosti toplotne črpalke. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da najvišje vrednosti koeficienta učinkovitosti (COP) dosežemo, ko toplotna črpalka deluje pri nizkih tlakih. Te ugotovitve so ključne za nadaljnjo optimizacijo delovanja sušilnih strojev in lahko prispevajo k boljši energetski učinkovitosti celotnega sistema.

Keywords:sušilni stroj, toplotna črpalka, parno-kompresijski cikel, sušilni zrak, hladivo, log(p)-h diagram, specifična entalpija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161775 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2024
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Title:Analysis of heat pump performance in a tumble dryer based on drying air properties
The efficiency of heat pump tumble dryers is closely linked to the interdependence between the moist drying air and the heat pump circuit. In this study, we described the theoretical background of the operation of a heat pump tumble dryer in connection with the operation of the vapor-compression cycle. We designed a measurement station and conducted functional tests with three different laundry loads. A software application with a graphical interface was developed in the Python programming language, allowing for a detailed insight into the operation of the tumble dryer, with a focus on the connection between the thermodynamic cycle of the heat pump in the log(p)-h diagram and the properties of the moist air at the heat pump inlet. The analysis showed that the specific enthalpy of the drying air at the inlet of the heat pump significantly affects the system's operation; higher specific enthalpy allows for greater energy transfer to the heat pump. Additionally, the thermodynamic properties of the refrigerant are crucial for optimizing the efficiency of the heat pump. It was found that the highest coefficient of performance (COP) values are achieved when the heat pump operates at low pressures. These findings are essential for further optimization of tumble dryer operation and can contribute to improving the overall energy efficiency of the system.

Keywords:tumble dryer, heat pump, vapor-compression cycle, drying air, refrigerant, log(p)-h diagram, specific entalpy

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