
Sistem za regulacijo klime v pisarniških prostorih
ID Potokar, Tilen (Author), ID Karer, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ljudje vedno več časa preživimo v zaprtih prostorih. Zato postaja vedno bolj pomembna tema zagotavljanje zdrave notranje klime, ki pozitivno vpliva na počutje in zdravje ljudi v prostoru. Diplomsko delo opisuje postopek zasnove in izdelave sistema za regulacijo notranje klime v pisarniškem prostoru. Za ta namen sem zasnoval svoj model klimatske naprave z elementi, ki zagotavljajo izmenjavo, ogrevanje in hlajenje zraka v prostoru. Za prikaz delovanja sistema regulacije sem zasnoval dva matematična modela, ki opisujeta spreminjanje kakovosti in temperature zraka v pisarniškem prostoru. Izdelal sem tudi uporabniški vmesnik, ki grafično prikazuje regulacijo elementov znotraj klimatske naprave in omogoča nastavljanje želenih pogojev v prostoru. Sam program regulacije sem izdelal v programskem orodju OpenPLC, nadzorni sistem pa v spletni aplikaciji ScadaBR. Delovanje sistema regulacije in zasnovanih matematičnih modelov sem preizkusil z vnašanjem vrednosti, ki simulirajo različne vremenske pogoje in pogoje v prostoru. Sistem regulacije se na različne pogoje ustrezno odzove, matematična modela za opis spreminjanja kakovosti in temperature zraka pa nudita zadostne rezultate za poenostavljen opis spreminjanja klime znotraj zaprtega pisarniškega prostora.

Keywords:Sistem regulacije, pisarniški prostor, notranja klima, matematični model, klimatska naprava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161747 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207856131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Office climate control system
People are gradually spending more time in indoor spaces. For this reason, the topic of ensuring a healthy indoor climate that yields positive effects on the well-being of room occupants is becoming of greater concern. The diploma thesis describes the process of designing and creating a control system for means of regulating indoor climate in an office space. To achieve this, I designed a model of an air handling unit with elements that provide means of exchanging, heating, and cooling indoor air. To demonstrate the operation of the control system, I designed two mathematical models that describe changes in air quality and air temperature inside the office space. I also created a user interface that graphically displays the process of regulating different elements inside the air handling unit and allows for setting desired room conditions. The control program was developed using the OpenPLC software, while the graphic display of the control system was made in the ScadaBR web application. I tested the operation of the control system and designed mathematical models by entering values that simulated different weather conditions and conditions of indoor climate. Based on the results of the test, I have concluded that the control system responds appropriately to different weather and room conditions, while the mathematical models for describing changes in air quality and temperature provide sufficient results for a simplified description of an indoor office space climate.

Keywords:Control system, office space, indoor climate, mathematical model, air handling unit

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