
Vgrajen sistem za zajem in prikazovanje telemetrije motornega kolesa
ID Eržen, Jošt (Author), ID Bulić, Patricio (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tej diplomski nalogi obravnavamo razvoj in programiranje vgrajenega sis- tema za merjenje telemetrije motornega kolesa. Sistem je zasnovan za mer- jenje pospeškov, spremembe kota, temperature ter števila obratov motorja na minuto. Ti podatki se zapisujejo na pomnilniško kartico MicroSD, prav tako pa jih prikažemo na ekranu. Zahtevano je, da sistem omogoča proce- siranje in prikaz podatkov v realnem času. V uvodu predstavimo problem merjenja telemetrije na motornih kolesih. Obravnavamo izdelavo senzorja za merjenje števila obratov motorja ter opisujemo električno vezavo senzorjev na razvojno ploščo. Na kratko predstavimo razvojno okolje za prikaz podat- kov na zaslonu plošče ter razvojno okolje, ki omogoča programiranje funkcij sistema. Podrobno razložimo konfiguracijo vhodov, izhodov in funkcionalno- sti razvojne plošče. Nato opisujemo funkcije za zajem podatkov iz senzorjev in shranjevanje teh podatkov na kartico MicroSD. Predstavimo funkcije za prikaz podatkov na zaslonu. V zaključnem delu naloge predstavimo testi- ranje sistema ter analiziramo rezultate, analiziramo obstoječe rešitve, ki jih primerjamo z našo, ter podamo predloge za morebitne izboljšave sistema.

Keywords:vgrajeni sistem, telemetrija, sensor, prikaz podatkov v realnem času
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161730 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:213840387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:An Embedded System for Logging and Displaying Motorcycle Telemetry
This thesis deals with developing and programming an embedded system for measuring motorcycle telemetry. The system measures acceleration, an- gle change, temperature, and engine revolutions per minute. This data is recorded on a MicroSD memory card and displayed on a screen. The system is required to process and display the data in real-time. In the introduc- tion, we present the problem of measuring telemetry on motorcycles. We discuss the design of a sensor for measuring the engine revolutions and de- scribe the electrical connection of the sensors to the development board. We briefly present the development environment for displaying the data on display and the development environment that allows programming of the system functions. We explain the configuration of the development board’s inputs, outputs, and functionalities. We then describe the tasks for captur- ing and storing data from the sensors on a MicroSD card. We present the functions for displaying the data on the screen. In the final part of the thesis, we present the testing of the system and analyse the results. We compare our solution to existing approaches and suggest possible system improvements.

Keywords:embedded systems, telemetry, sensors, real-time data display

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