
Razširjenost korupcije med uradniki ter percepcija in izkušnje uporabnikov
ID Šešo, Damir (Author), ID Brezovar, Nejc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Javnost se v sodobnem svetu in Sloveniji zaveda, da je korupcija težava, ki vpliva na dobro (javno) upravljanje. Namen raziskave, predstavljene v diplomskem delu, je bil ugotoviti, zakaj se je Slovenija v letu 2022 znašla na najslabšem mestu po zaznavi korupcijskih dejanj in tveganj v zadnjih petih letih saj to pomeni, da se korupcija dogaja, vendar se ne naznanja. Z raziskavo mnenja uporabnikov javnih storitev v Sloveniji je bil namen te raziskave in diplomskega dela poiskati vzroke za stanje zmanjšanja zaznav korupcije. Z analizo diplomskega dela je bilo ugotovljeno, da so za nizko zaznavo korupcije krivi neučinkovit pregon, nepoznavanje zakonodaje, ne uveljavljanje zaščite prič in strah pred posledicami oziroma povračilnimi ukrepi. Rezultati ankete med uporabniki so pokazali, da državljani ne poznajo dovolj dobro zakonodaje in predvsem zaščite prič (in žvižgačev) v postopku naznanitev korupcije. Tudi mnenje, da je kazenski pregon korupcijskih dejanj neučinkovit, je velik kazalnik nezaupanja javnosti v pravni red in pravni sistem države pri odkrivanju in pregonu korupcijskih dejanj. Z nezaupanjem pride molk prijaviteljev korupcije. Pridobljeni podatki so lahko koristni in uporabni za Komisijo za preprečevanje korupcije in vse institucije, ki se ukvarjajo z odkrivanjem in s pregonom korupcije. Potrebna bo sprememba pri obravnavi zaščite prič in odpravljanju strahu ljudi pred posledicami naznanitve korupcije, zato so lahko rezultati koristni tudi za sprejemanje oziroma dopolnjevanje zakonov.

Keywords:korupcija, zaznavanje, uradniki, zaščita prič, strah pred posledicami, odkrivanje, pregon
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Šešo]
Number of pages:XI, 59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161729 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207276291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The prevalence of corruption among officials and the perception and experience of users
The public in the modern world, including Slovenia, is aware that corruption is a problem that affects good governance. Therefore, the aim of the research was to determine why Slovenia ranked poorly in terms of perceived corruption in the past five years, this finding highlights the problem that corruption exists but is not reported. The purpose of the research and thesis was to identify the causes of the decreasing perception of corruption. By conducting an analysis, it was found that the low perception of corruption is due to ineffective prosecution, lack of knowledge of legislation, failure to protect whistleblowers, and fear of reprisals or retaliation. It can be inferred that citizens are not sufficiently familiar with legislation, particularly regarding whistleblower protection in the process of reporting corruption. The belief that criminal prosecution of corrupt acts is ineffective is also a significant indicator of public mistrust in the legal framework and the country's legal system in uncovering and prosecuting corruption. With distrust, this leads to silence among corruption whistleblowers. The acquired survey data can be valuable and useful for the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption and all institutions involved in detecting and prosecuting corruption. Changes will be necessary in addressing witness protection and alleviating people's fear of the consequences of reporting corruption, therefore, the results can also be beneficial for the adoption or amendment of laws.

Keywords:corruption, perception, officials, witness protection, fear of repercussions, detection, prosecution

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