
Vpliv internacionalizacije visokega šolstva v Sloveniji na oblikovanje trgov delovne sile v državah nekdanje Jugoslavije
ID Lazikić, Ljiljana (Author), ID Ignjatović, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo preučuje, kako segmenti internacionalizacije visokega šolstva v Sloveniji vplivajo na oblikovanje trga dela v državah nekdanje Jugoslavije, glede na to, da je večina mednarodnih študentov v Sloveniji ravno iz teh območij. Analiza mnenj mednarodnih študentov je pokazala, kako vidijo bivanje v Sloveniji in zapuščanje domovine, vračanje, izzive, s katerimi se srečujejo kot tujci, pa tudi ugodnosti, ki jih imajo v Sloveniji. S tem delom smo dobili širšo sliko o bivanju mednarodnih študentov v Sloveniji in njihovem iskanju zaposlitve ter razmerah na trgih dela v preiskovanih državah nekdanje Jugoslavije. Z analizo in raziskovanjem ostale literature smo ugotovili, ali so visoko izobraženi mladi pripravljeni ostati v državi, ki jim je omogočila brezplačno izobraževanje, ali se vrniti v domovino. Videli smo, kako migracije, ki so neposredna posledica internacionalizacije, oblikujejo trge dela in vplivajo na kroženje, izgubo in pridobitev človeškega kapitala. Prav tako smo lahko videli, kako te države zakonsko urejajo te migracije.

Keywords:Mednarodni študenti, internacionalizacija, nekdanja Jugoslavija, trg dela, migracije, beg možganov, človeški kapital
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161706 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the internationalization of higher education in Slovenia on the formation of labor markets in the countries of the former Yugoslavia
The master's thesis examines the factors of how segments of the internationalization of higher education in Slovenia influence the formation of the labor market in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, given that the majority of international students in Slovenia are precisely from these areas. The analysis of the opinions of these international students showed how these respondents see staying in Slovenia and leaving their homeland, returning, the challenges they face as foreigners, as well as the benefits they have in Slovenia. With this thesis, we got a broader picture of the stay of international students in Slovenia and their search for employment, as well as the situation on the labor markets in the investigated countries of the former Yugos lavia. By analyzing and researching the rest of the literature, we were able to determine how much and whether highly educated young people are willing to stay in the country that provided them with free education, or to return to their homeland. We have seen how migration, which is a direct consequence of internationalization, shapes labor markets and affects the circulation, loss and acquisition of human capital. We were also able to see how these countries legislate these migrations.

Keywords:International students, internationalization, former Yugoslavia, labor market, migration, brain drain, human capital

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