
Vpliv ritma na usklajevanje avtonomnega živčevja med izvajanjem abdominalnih dihalnih tehnik: pilotna študija : magistrsko delo
ID Zupan, Ajda (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Raziskovalci so že poročali (Lee, Elhaouij in Picard, 2021), da je dihanje zanimivo področje, saj imamo pri dihanju lahko prostovoljni nadzor, katerega lahko uskladimo z zunanjim dražljajem. Sinhronizacijo oziroma usklajevanje smo v magistrski nalogi raziskovali preko abdominalnih tehnik dihanja ter ugotavljali, če ima zunanji senzorični vnos (ritem) vpliv na usklajenost parametrov avtonomnega živčnega sistema (AŽS) pri udeležencih. Vpliv ritma na usklajenost AŽS smo preverili na kvantitativen način tako da smo fiziološko stanje osebe razbirali na podlagi spremenljivosti srčnega utripa (HRV), nivoja prevodnosti kože (NPK) in temperature prstov udeležencev z nošenjem merilnih prstanov. Zanimalo nas je, če so imeli udeleženci, ki so dihalne vaje izvajali ob poslušanju ritma, fiziološke označevalce AŽS bolj usklajene (z ritmom), kot udeleženci, ki so dihanje izvajali brez ritma. Zanimala nas je tudi stopnja usklajenosti znotraj skupine. Ugotovili smo, ritem lahko spodbudi nižje vzburjenje AŽS pri udeležencih, vendar smo imeli premajhen vzorec, da bi bili rezultati statistično pomembni. Večjo mero sproščenosti je pokazala tudi skupina, ki je tehnike izvajala v tišini, vendar samo pri parametru temperature prstov. Naše ugotovitve poudarjajo zapleteno medsebojno delovanje med okoljskimi dejavniki in avtonomno regulacijo, kar kaže, da lahko izbira slušnega okolja pomembno vpliva na fiziološke rezultate dihalnih tehnik.

Keywords:fiziologija, vpliv ritmične glasbe, utelešena kognicija, sinhronizacija, usklajenost fiziologije, kognitivna znanost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Zupan
Number of pages:46 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161687 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207748099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Title:Effect of Rhythm on Autonomic Nervous System Coordination durig Abdominal Breathing Techniques: A Pilot Study
Researchers have already reported (Lee, Elhaouij and Picard, 2021) that breathing is an interesting field, because during breathing we can have voluntary control that can be adjusted to the external stimulus. In our master's thesis, we used abdominal breathing techniques for facilitating synchronization and found out if the influence of external sensory input (rhythm) affects the coordination of the parameters of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the participants. The effect of the rhythm on the coordination of ANS was verified in a quantitative way by measuring the physiological state of the person based on heart rate variability (HRV), skin conductance level (EDA) and the temperature of the participants' fingers by wearing measuring rings. We were interested in whether the participants who performed the breathing techniques while listening to the rhythm had physiological markers of ANS more coordinated (with the rhythm) than the participants who performed the breathing without the rhythm. We were also interested in the level of entrainment within the group. We found that rhythm can induce lower arousal of the ANS in participants, but we had too small of a sample for the results to be statistically significant. The group that performed the technique in silence also showed a greater degree of relaxation, but only when measuring the temperature of the fingers. Our findings highlight the complex interplay between environmental factors and autonomic regulation, suggesting that the choice of auditory environment can significantly influence the physiological outcomes of breathing techniques.

Keywords:physiology, influence of rhythmic music, embodied cognition, synchronization, entrainment of physiology

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