This master's thesis analyses derivatives of originally spatial adverbs (blizu, daleč, mimo, naprej, nazaj, okoli, skozi, ven, vmes, and zunaj) using the method of multistage word formation introduced by Dr. Boris Kern in the Slovenian context. The aim is to present adverbial derivatives in terms of productivity and properties – represented in word and word formation categories, including a review of word formation meanings and associated morphemes. The work also includes a historical overview of slovenian word formation studies, a definition of basic linguistic and methodological phenomena, and a multistage analysis. It was found that adverbial derivatives exhibit varying productivity and are mostly formed up to the third degree, but can be formed up to the fifth. They also show different word and word formation category representation, producing verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, with the majority being ordinary derivatives by suffixation and interfixal-suffixal compounds, as well as modification derivatives by suffixation and prefixation. These are formed with various single or multimorphemic morphemes expressing different word formation meanings specific to each word category. In terms of formation, the patterns of word formation models are quite diverse and therefore mostly sporadic or low productivity.