
Primerjalna analiza cen zemljišč na različnih razvojnih stopnjah v Mestni občini Ljubljana
ID Brazda, Tim (Author), ID Kozelj, Daniel (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem preučil trg nepremičnin v občini Ljubljana v obdobju od začetka leta 2019 do konca leta 2023. Pozornost sem posvetil predvsem vplivu različnih razvojnih stopenj nepremičnin na vrednost zemljišč. Zbral sem podatke javne infrastrukture, zemljiškega katastra in namenske rabe. V programu ArcMap sem izdelal GIS projekt, v katerem sem predstavil zbrane podatke. Sledila je analiza trga nepremičnin. Iz spletne aplikacije Trgoskop sem pridobil podatke, ki ustrezajo določenim kriterijem. Izbrane nepremičnine so nepozidana zemljišča oziroma nepremičnine brez delov stavb. Podatki zajemajo pretekle transakcije nepremičnin za obdobje od začetka leta 2019 do konca 2023. Podatke preteklih transakcij sem povezal z GIS orodjem in jih prikazal v aplikaciji ArcMap. Zemljišča sem razdelil v posamezne razrede glede na njihovo razvojno stopnjo in velikosti ter pregledal ceno nepremičnin glede na njihovo razvojno stopnjo. Sledilo je sprejetje oziroma zavrnitev teze, da ima komunalno opremljeno zemljišča višjo ceno kot komunalno neopremljena oziroma nezazidljiva zemljišča.

Keywords:zemljišče, razvojna stopnja zemljišč, javna infrastruktura, Trgoskop, nepremičnina, namenska raba prostora, prostorski načrt
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161677 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative analysis of land prices at different development stages in the Municipality of Ljubljana
In my thesis, I studied the real estate market in the municipality of Ljubljana in the period from the beginning of 2019 to the end of 2023. I focused mainly on the impact of different development stages of real estate on land value. I collected data on public infrastructure, land cadastre and specific use. I created a GIS project in the ArcMap program in which I presented the collected data. This was followed by an analysis of the real estate market. On the Trgoskop online application, I obtained data that corresponded to certain criteria. The selected land is undeveloped land or real estate without parts of buildings. The data covered past real estate transactions for the period from the beginning of 2019 to the end of 2023. I connected the data of past transactions with the GIS software and displayed them in application ArcMap. I divided the land into individual classes according to their development level and size and examined the price of real estate according to their development level. This was followed by the acceptance or rejection of the thesis that communally equipped land has a higher price than communally unequipped or unbuildable land.

Keywords:land, development level of land, public infrastructure, Trgoskop, real estate, dedicated use of space, spatial plan

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