The purpose of the assignment is to present the characteristics, differences and similarities of sports journalism in newspapers and online. Sports journalism has been changing throughout its existence, influenced by various factors: cultural, economic, social and technological. In my master thesis, I devoted most of the time to the chronology of technological development in the world and its effect to the sports journalism (also in Slovenia), in the empirical part in semi-structured interviews with eight editors of sports newsrooms (four newspaper and four online) I checked what are the similarities and differences of sports journalism in the two mentioned types of media in Slovenia nowadays. The interim preliminary analysis of journalistic articles on the case study of the Planica 2023 Nordic World Championship served to better connect the theoretical and empirical work. The final findings show that the differences are decreasing, as the web has become a priority in newspaper media as well, and consequently the work of sports journalists for newspapers and the web is increasingly similar. In both analyzed media the crucial aspect of journalism is still time.