
Analiza izbranih političnih afer na obrambnem področju v Republiki Sloveniji med letoma 2014 in 2023
ID Oblak, Tea (Author), ID Prezelj, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na političnem področju imajo afere pomembno vlogo, saj razkrivajo sporna ravnanja politikov in o tem seznanjajo javnost. V kolikor se afera ne bi zgodila, bi kršitve ostale skrite. Zato je še toliko bolj pomembno njihovo proučevanje, saj pripomorejo k preprečevanju političnih zlorab. V diplomskem delu se osredotočam na analizo in primerjavo izbranih političnih afer v Republiki Sloveniji na obrambnem področju v zadnjem desetletju (Veberkom, Kraja streliva Slovenske vojske v Nemčiji in Incident na slovensko-italijanski meji). V delu ugotavljam, ali obravnavane afere razkrivajo nepravilnosti, spodbujajo odgovornost in ali vplivajo oziroma povzročajo sprejemanje ukrepov za izboljšanje razmer na obrambnem področju. Po izvedeni analizi in primerjavi ugotavljam, da se afere lahko pojavijo ob kateremkoli času, prav tako je v afero lahko vpet kdorkoli, od pripadnikov Slovenske vojske do ministra za obrambo. Vzroki za nastanek afer so različni, od površnega ravnanja do zlorabe javne funkcije v zasebne namene in prekoračitev zakonskih pooblastil. Različni so tudi razpleti in posledice, od blažjih sankcij do razrešitve ministra za obrambo. Vsekakor pa so vse negativno vplivale na ugled oziroma zaupanje javnosti v politiko in Slovensko vojsko. Vse tri obravnavane afere so razkrile nepravilnosti na obrambnem področju in povzročile sprejetje ukrepov, da bi se razmere izboljšale.

Keywords:škandal, afera, Ministrstvo za obrambo, Slovenska vojska.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161638 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Title:Analysis of selected political affairs in the field of defence in the Republic of Slovenia between 2014 and 2023
Affairs play an important role in politics because they disclose contentious acts by politicians and make the public aware of them. In the absence of the affair, the violations would have remained hidden. Studying them is therefore even more important because it contributes to the prevention of political fraud. My graduate thesis focuses on the analysis and comparison of selected political affairs in the Republic of Slovenia in the field of defence in the last decade (Vebercom, Ammunitions theft from the Slovenian Army in Germany and the Incident at the Slovenian-Italian border). In my thesis, I wish to establish whether the discussed affairs disclose irregularities, promote responsibility and have an impact on or are the reason for the introduction of measures aimed at improving the conditions in the field of defence. Following the analysis and comparison, I have established that affairs can occur at any time and that anyone may be involved in an affair, from members of the Slovenian Army to the Minister of Defence. The reasons behind their occurrences vary, ranging from carelessness and abuse of a public function for private matters to the violation of authorisation. The results and consequences also vary, from mild sanctions to the dismissal of the Minister of Defence. However, all of them had a negative impact on the reputation or public trust in politics and the Slovenian Army. All three discussed affairs have shown irregularities in the defence field and have led to the adoption of measures aimed at improving the situation.

Keywords:scandal, affair, Ministry of Defence, Slovenian Army.

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