
Karakterizacija glikoziltransferaze, udeležene v sintezi sekundarnega polisaharida bakterije Clostridioides difficile
ID Uršič, Tadej (Author), ID Turk, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Taler-Verčič, Ajda (Comentor)

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Bakterija Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) je v naravi zelo razširjena po Gramu pozitivna sporogena bakterija. Je pomemben bolnišnični patogen, ki povzroča z antibiotiki povezano diarejo. Okužba z bakterijo pa lahko vodi tudi do resnejših zapletov, kot so psevdomembranski kolitis, sepsa, sindrom multiorganske disfunkcije in celo smrt. Površino bakterije pokriva urejena plast proteinov, ki tvorijo t. i. površinsko (S-) plast. S-plast je pomembna za obrambo bakterije, njeno adhezijo in sporulacijo, je pa tudi pomemben virulenčni dejavnik. S-plast je v celično steno usidrana preko nekovalentne interakcije s sekundarnim polisaharidom PSII. PSII je za C. difficile specifičen anionski polisaharid, ki je sestavljen iz ponavljajočih se heksaglikozilfosfatnih enot. Proteini, ki sodelujejo v biosintezni poti PSII, so slabo raziskani, in so potencialne tarče za razvoj novih načinov za zdravljenja okužbe s C. difficile. V tem magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na protein CD630_27760, ki ima glikoziltransferazno aktivnost in sodeluje pri biosintezi osnovne heksaglikozilfosfatne enote PSII. Katalizira prenos sladkorja s sladkornega donorja, ki je ali UDP-glukoza (UDP-Glc) ali UDP-N-acetilgalaktozamin (UDP-NAcGal), na akceptor, ki je nastajajoča sladkorna enota, vezana na undekaprenil pirofosfat (UndPP). Sodelavci iz raziskovalne skupine so protein predhodno že uspešno izrazili v bakterijskih celicah Escherichia coli (E. coli) in določili njegovo tridimenzionalno strukturo. Opazili pa so, da pri izražanju proteina pride do spontane cepitve C-končnega dela proteina. V prvem delu magistrske naloge smo z masno spektrometrijo (MALDI-TOF) določili, da do cepitve pride na treh mestih in dobimo tri fragmente: 27,1 kDa, 26,6 kDa in 24,3 kDa. Njihova pozicija se sklada s predvideno pozicijo cepitve C-končnega dela. V drugem delu smo s kokristalizacijo poskusili pripraviti kristale kompleksov proteina s predvidenima sladkornima donorjema (UDP-Glc ali UDP-NAcGal) in potencialnimi inhibitorji, vendar nam to ni uspelo. S primerjavo zaporedja in strukture proteina CD630_27760 s homolognimi proteini smo in silico določili aminokislinske ostanke, ki so pomembni za interakcijo z nukleotidnim delom sladkornega donorja: P12, L14, R16, N42, K69, R75, D91, D92, D93 in H205. Primerjava s homologi je tudi pokazala, da ima C-končni del proteina, ki se tekom izolacije spontano odcepi, pomembno vlogo pri vezavi sladkorne enote donorja in akceptorja. Zato bo za pridobitev strukture z vezanim sladkornim donorjem in/ali inhibitorjem potrebno pripraviti protein v polni dolžini, ki bo vseboval tudi C-končni del.

Keywords:PSII, CD630_27760, Clostridioides difficile, glikoziltransferaza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161624 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Characterization of glycosyltransferase involved in the synthesis of the secondary polysaccharide from Clostridioides difficile
Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) are ubiquitous Gram-positive spore-forming bacteria. They are relevant nosocomial pathogens causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. Furthermore, C. difficile infection may lead to severe complications, such as pseudomembranous colitis, sepsis, multiorgan dysfunction syndrome and even death. Surface of C. difficile is decorated with a proteinaceous layer known as surface (S-) layer. It functions as a protective barrier, helps in cell adhesion and sporulation and is an important virulence factor. S-layer is anchored to the cell wall through a non-covalent interaction with a secondary polysaccharide PSII. PSII is a C. difficile-specific anionic polymer composed of hexaglycosyl phosphate repeating units. Proteins involved in PSII biosynthesis are poorly understood, yet they are potential new targets for developing new C. difficile treatments. In this master’s thesis, we focused on the CD630_27760 protein, which is a glycosyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of PSII hexaglycosyl phosphate unit. It catalyses the transfer of sugar moiety from the sugar donor, which is either UDP-glucose (UDP-Glc) or UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine (UDP-NAcGal), to the acceptor, which is a forming sugar unit bound to undecaprenyl pyrophosphate (UndPP). Colleagues have previously successfully produced the protein in Escherichia coli (E. coli) and determined its three-dimensional structure. They had observed a spontaneous cleavage of the C-terminal part of the protein during its production. Using mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF), we determined that the protein is cleaved in three separate sites, that give us protein fragments: 27,1 kDa, 26,6 kDa and 24,3 kDa. Position of these cleavage sites coincide with the predicted cleavage site. Next we attempted to co-crystallize our protein with predicted sugar donors (UDP-Glc or UDP-NAcGal) and potential inhibitors. However, we failed to do so. By comparing the sequence and structure of CD630_27760 protein with homologous proteins, we determined in silico which amino acid residues are potentially involved in binding of the nucleotide part of the sugar donor: P12, L14, R16, N42, K69, R75, D91, D92, D93 in H205. The comparison with homologous proteins also showed that the C-terminal part of the protein, which is spontaneously cleaved during isolation, contributes to the bonding of the donor sugar unit and acceptor. Therefore, in order to obtain s structure with a bonded sugar donor and/or inhibitors, a full-length protein including the C-terminal part would have to be prepared.

Keywords:PSII, CD360_27760, Clostridioides difficile, glycosyltransferase

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