
Temperaturno regulirana demonstracijska platforma s Peltierjevim elementom
ID Ivič, Rok (Author), ID Drobnič, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rihar, Andraž (Comentor)

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Senzorji temperature so dandanes kljuˇcni gradniki modernih elektronskih naprav. Na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko se je v sklopu predmeta Senzorji in merilni pretvorniki pojavila potreba po novi platformi za testiranje temperaturnih senzorjev. Priˇcujoˇce diplomsko delo predstavlja zasnovo in testiranje temperaturno regulirane demonstracijske platforme, ki obravnava pomanjkljivosti podobnih sistemov iz literature in industrije, kot tudi podane zahteve za delovanje. Te obsegajo zmoˇznost nastavljanja temperature od 10 °C do 80 °C, stabilno delovanje brez statiˇcnega pogreˇska in ustrezno dinamiko (sprememba temperature od minimalne do maksimalne v najveˇc 10 minutah). Platforma sestoji iz Peltierjevega elementa, moˇcnostnega pretvornika, myRIO platforme in povezovalnega vezja. Na eno stran Peltierjevega elementa je montirano hladilno telo z ventilatorjem, na drugo stran pa kovinska ploˇsˇca, katere temperaturo reguliramo. Za meritev temperature sta na vsaki strani Peltierjevega elementa nameˇsˇcena termistorja. V programskem okolju NI LabView je pripravljen grafiˇcni uporabniˇski vmesnik, s katerim lahko spremljamo stanje v sistemu in nastavljamo ˇzeleno temperaturo. Moˇcnostni pretvornik deluje s pulzno-ˇsirinsko modulacijo, kar omogoˇca zvezno in stabilno obratovanje na celotnem obmoˇcju delovanja. Demonstracijska platforma je bila testirana v razliˇcnih delovnih toˇckah, preverjen je bil tudi odziv sistema na zunanjo motnjo. Rezultati testiranja delovanja platforme potrjujejo ustreznost za uporabo na laboratorijskih vajah.

Keywords:regulacija temperature, Peltierjev element, močnostni pretvornik, grafični uporabniški vmesnik, senzorji temperature
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161620 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207469059 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Title:Temperature-Controlled Demonstration Platform with a Peltier Element
Temperature sensors are nowadays key components of modern electronic devices. At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, within the framework of the course Sensors and Measurement Transducers, a new platform for testing temperature sensors is needed. This thesis presents the design and testing of a temperature-controlled demonstration platform that addresses the shortcomings of similar systems (from the literature and industry), as well as the specified performance requirements. These include the ability to set the temperature from 10 °C to 80 °C, stable operation without static error, and adequate dynamics (temperature change from minimum to maximum within a maximum of 10 minutes). The platform consists of a Peltier element, a power converter, a myRIO platform, and connecting circuitry. A heat sink with a fan is mounted on one side of the Peltier element, while a metal plate, whose temperature is controlled, is attached to the other side. Thermistors are installed on both sides of the Peltier element for temperature measurement. A graphical user interface was developed in the NI LabVIEW software environment, allowing for monitoring of the system status and setting of the desired temperature. The power converter operates with pulse-width modulation, enabling continuous and stable operation across the entire operating range. The demonstration platform was tested at various operating points, and the system’s response to external disturbances was verified. The results of the performance testing confirm the suitability of the platform for use in laboratory exercises.

Keywords:temperature control, Peltier element, power converter, graphical user interface, temperature sensors

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