
Karakterizacija protibakterijskega delovanja izbranih derivatov pirazola na molekulski ravni
ID Mlinar, Karmen (Author), ID Novinec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Odpornost mikroorganizmov na antibiotike v današnjem svetu predstavlja eno največjih groženj javnemu zdravju. Številne raziskovalne skupine zato med svoje prioritetne naloge uvrščajo iskanje novih antibiotikov in njihov tarč. Pirazol in njegovi derivati imajo dokazano protimikrobno delovanje. Derivat 4-(2-aminoetil)-1-(piridin-2-il)-1H-pirazol-5-ol zavira rast bakterije Escherichia coli, tako da se veže na protein L-treonin dehidrogenazo (TDH) in zavira njeno aktivnost. Slednja sodeluje pri medcelični komunikaciji in metabolizmu aminokislin. Ima ključno vlogo pri razgradnji L-treonina v glicin, hkrati pa pri človeku ni znanih homologov, zato je dober kandidat za novo tarčo antibiotikov. Cilj magistrske naloge je bil preveriti inhibitorno delovanje izbranih derivatov pirazola na TDH iz E. coli ter z antibiogrami preveriti njihovo zaviranje rasti štirih bakterijskih vrst: Escherichia coli, Bacillus thuringiensis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Staphylococcus aureus. Ker je znano, da kelatorji lahko vežejo Zn2+ ione iz strukture TDH in tako zavirajo njeno aktivnost, smo z merjenjem absorpcijskih spektrov izbranih derivatov pirazola preverili tudi njihovo sposobnost kelacije Zn2+. TDH potrebuje kofaktor NAD+, ki se tekom katalizirane reakcije pretvori v NADH, kar je mogoče spremljati fluorimetrično. Pripravili smo rekombinantno TDH in analizirali njeno aktivnost v prisotnosti dvanajstih derivatov pirazola. Ugotovili smo, da jih 10 deluje kot linearni ali hiperbolični inhibitor. Med linearnimi ima najvišjo afiniteto derivat I2, zato smo analizirali njegov mehanizem delovanja in zaključili, da gre za kompetitivni inhibitor. Z antibiogrami smo ugotovili, da vsi testirani derivati pirazola, razen derivata IC, zavirajo rast vsaj enega testiranega seva. Vendar pa derivati, ki najbolje inhibirajo rast bakterije E. coli, delujejo kot šibki inhibitorji testirane tarče TDH, zato verjetno delujejo tudi na druge bakterijske tarče. Merjenje absorpcijskih spektrov je pokazalo, da večina derivatov kelira cinkove ione in zato niso primerni kandidati za antibiotike. Čeprav derivat I2 ne kelira cinkovih ionov in deluje kot relativno dober inhibitor TDH, njegovo delovanje in vivo ni dovolj učinkovito za uporabo kot antibiotik. Med testiranimi derivati pirazola nismo našli spojine s potencialom za nov antibiotik, zato je v prihodnosti raziskovanje potrebno razširiti na večje število derivatov, hkrati pa se osredotočiti tudi na iskanje drugih tarč. Kljub temu, pa smo tekom raziskovanja podrobneje okarakterizirali samo delovanje encima TDH in prišli do dveh pomembnih ugotovitev: (I) pri vezavi Thr pride do homotropičnega efekta kooperativnosti, (II) cinkovi ioni delujejo regulatorno na TDH, saj zavirajo njeno delovanje z vrednostjo EC50 okoli 55 µM.

Keywords:odpornost na antibiotike, derivati pirazola, protimikrobno delovanje, L-treonin dehidrogenaza, kooperativnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161618 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Title:Characterisation of the antibacterial activity of selected pyrazole derivatives at the molecular level
In today's world, the microbial resistance to antibiotics represents one of the greatest threats to public health. Therefore, numerous research groups place the search for new antibiotics and their targets among their priority tasks. Pyrazole and its derivatives have proven antimicrobial activity. The derivative 4-(2-aminoethyl)-1-(pyridin-2-yl)-1H-pyrazol-5-ol inhibits the growth of the bacterium Escherichia coli by binding to the protein L-threonine dehydrogenase (TDH) and inhibiting its activity. The latter is involved in intercellular communication and amino acid metabolism, playing a key role in the breakdown of L-threonine into glycine. Since no human homologs are known, it is a good candidate for a new antibiotic target. The aim of the MSc thesis was to test the inhibitory activity of selected pyrazole derivatives on TDH from E. coli and to assess their ability to inhibit the growth of four bacterial species: Escherichia coli, Bacillus thuringiensis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus using antibiograms. Since it is known that chelators can bind Zn2+ ions from the TDH structure and thus inhibit its activity, we also tested the ability of selected pyrazole derivatives to chelate Zn2+ by measuring their absorption spectra. TDH requires the cofactor NAD+, which is converted to NADH during the catalysed reaction, which can be monitored fluorimetrically. We prepared recombinant TDH and analysed its activity in the presence of twelve pyrazole derivatives. We found that ten of them act as either linear or hyperbolic inhibitor. Among the linear ones, the derivative I2 has the highest affinity; therefore, we analysed its mechanism of action and concluded that it is a competitive inhibitor. Using antibiograms, we found that all pyrazole derivatives tested, except the IC derivative, inhibited the growth of at least one strain tested. However, the derivatives that inhibit the growth of E. coli best act as weak inhibitors of the tested TDH target, and are therefore likely to act on other bacterial targets as well. Measurement of absorption spectra showed that most derivatives chelate zinc ions and are therefore not suitable antibiotic candidates. Although the derivative I2 does not chelate zinc ions and acts as a relatively good TDH inhibitor, its in vivo activity is not sufficiently effective for use as an antibiotic. Among the tested pyrazole derivatives, we did not find a compound with potential as a new antibiotic. Therefore, future research needs to be expanded to include a larger number of derivatives, and focus on finding other targets as well. Nevertheless, during the research, we characterised the activity of the TDH enzyme in greater detail and made two important discoveries: (I) the binding of Thr is accompanied by a homotropic cooperative effect, (II) zinc ions have a regulatory effect on TDH, as they inhibit its activity with an EC50 value of around 55 µM.

Keywords:antibiotic resistance, pyrazole derivatives, antimicrobial activity, L-threonine dehydrogenase, cooperativity

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