
Načrtovanje pasivnega optičnega dostopovnega omrežja
ID Čeh, Aljaž (Author), ID Pustišek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi sem se posvetil načrtovanju gigabitnega pasivnega optičnega omrežja (Gigabit Passive Optical Network, GPON) za območje Bohinjske Bistrice. Najprej sem podrobno opisal glavne lastnosti omrežja, ki vključujejo visoko hitrost prenosa podatkov, zanesljivost, daljši doseg brez izgube kakovosti in nižje stroške vzdrževanja. Prav tako sem raziskal različne možnosti izvedbe GPON omrežja, vključno z načini povezovanja in konfiguracijami, ki omogočajo optimalno pokritost in zmogljivost. Pregledal sem različne tehnologije, ki se uporabljajo v GPON omrežjih, kot so različni tipi optičnih vlaken, splitterji, optični omrežni terminali (ONT) in optični linijski terminali (OLT). Osredotočil sem se na trenutno najpogosteje uporabljene tehnologije in njihovo vlogo v celotnem omrežju. Glavni cilj naloge je bila izdelava tehnične rešitve za GPON omrežje. Pri tem sem uporabil različne programe za preverjanje obstoječe telekomunikacijske infrastrukture, da sem zagotovil združljivost novega omrežja s trenutnimi sistemi. Prav tako sem uporabil specializirane programe za samo izvedbo in projektiranje tehnične rešitve, kar je omogočilo natančno načrtovanje vseh potrebnih komponent omrežja. Kot rezultat sem pripravil geografski pregled telekomunikacijske infrastrukture (TKI) in opreme, ki je potrebna za GPON omrežje. Poleg tega sem izdelal shematski načrt za štiri kable, ki podrobno prikazuje njihovo polaganje, povezovanje in distribucijo v omrežju. Ti načrti so ključni za uspešno izvedbo in vzdrževanje GPON omrežja ter zagotavljajo temeljito in učinkovito rešitev za širokopasovni dostop.

Keywords:ožičeno dostopovno omrežje, GPON omrežje, ArcGIS, P2P, telekomunikacije, optični razcepnik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161614 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207680259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Title:Designing a passive optical access network
In my thesis, I focused on designing a gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) for the area of Bohinjska Bistrica. Firstly, I provided a detailed description of the main characteristics of the network, which include high data transfer speeds, reliability, longer reach without quality loss, and lower maintenance costs. I also explored various implementation options for the GPON network, including connection methods and configurations that enable optimal coverage and performance. I reviewed different technologies used in GPON networks, such as various types of optical fibers, splitters, Optical Network Terminals (ONT), and Optical Line Terminals (OLT). I concentrated on the currently most commonly used technologies and their role in the overall network. The main objective of the thesis was to develop a technical solution for the GPON network. In doing so, I utilized various programs to verify the existing telecommunications infrastructure to ensure compatibility of the new network with current systems. I also used specialized programs for the actual implementation and design of the technical solution, which enabled precise planning of all necessary network components. As a result, I prepared a geographic overview of the telecommunications infrastructure (TKI) and the equipment required for the GPON network. Additionally, I created a schematic plan for four cables, which details their laying, connection, and distribution within the network. These plans are crucial for the successful implementation and maintenance of the GPON network and provide a thorough and efficient solution for broadband access.

Keywords:wired access network, GPON network, ArcGIS, P2P, telecommunications, splitter

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