
Detekcija površinskih napak v spremenljivih pogojih
ID Klemenčič, Maks (Author), ID Skočaj, Danijel (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali detekcijo površinskih napak na ploščicah v spremenljivih pogojih. Cilj raziskave je bil razviti robusten sistem za detekcijo napak, pri čemer smo analizirali vplive različnih pogojev na točnost detekcije in predlagali izboljšave. Zajeli smo raznoliko podatkovno množico slik, ki nam je omogočila podrobno analizo vpliva pogojev. Predhodno smo umetno poškodovali približno polovico vseh ploščic za simulacijo napak. Sistem za detekcijo smo ovrednotili v seriji eksperimentov, kjer smo preizkusili tudi predlagane rešitve za izboljšanje robustnosti modela in minimizacijo vplivov slabših pogojev. Ugotovili smo, da se s slabšanjem pogojev slabšajo tudi rezultati. Razvili smo nov model, ki se vzporedno uči na slikah ploščic in slikah kalibracijskih vzorcev. Omenjena metoda predstavlja le delno izboljšavo, saj se rezultati izboljšajo le pri zelo slabih pogojih. Implementirali smo tudi metodo normalizacije barvnih kanalov in metodo za ujemanje histogramov, s katerima smo popravili testne slike v optimalni pogoj z uporabo kalibracijskih vzorcev. Odkrili smo, da smo zmožni negativne vplive spremenljivih pogojev skoraj izničiti z uporabo metode za ujemanje histogramov.

Keywords:površinske napake, spremenljivi pogoji, sistem za detekcijo, vpliv pogojev, segmentacija ploščic, ujemanje histogramov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161577 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Title:Detection of surface defects under variable conditions
In this thesis, we dealt with detecting surface defects on tiles under variable conditions. The research aimed to develop a robust defect detection system, analyzing the effects of different conditions on the detection accuracy and suggesting improvements. We captured a diverse dataset of images that allowed us to analyze the influence of conditions. We have artificially damaged approximately half of all tiles. We evaluated the detection system in a series of experiments, where we also tested proposed solutions to improve the robustness of the model and minimize the impact of worse conditions. We found that as the conditions deteriorate, the results also deteriorate. We developed a new model that learns in parallel on tile images and calibration sample images. This method is only a partial improvement, as the results only improve under very poor conditions. We have also implemented a color channel normalization method and a histogram matching method to correct the test images to the optimal condition using the calibration samples. We found that we were able to almost cancel out the negative effects of varying conditions using the histogram matching method.

Keywords:surface defects, variable conditions, detection system, influence of conditions, tile segmentation, histogram matching

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