
Oblikovanje tekstilnih vzorcev po arhitekturi Marjana Šorlija
ID Grebeniuk, Valentina (Author), ID Jenko, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se skozi raziskovanje različnih tem osredotoča na oblikovanje kolekcije tekstilnih vzorcev, namenjenih za digitalni tisk tekstilij za interjer, specifično za tekstilno opremo spalnice: posteljnino, zavese, blazine, odeje, tapete in preproge. V delu je predstavljen proces oblikovanja, ki izhaja iz prvotnih sitotiskov, izpeljanih iz fotografij. Skozi analizo starih tekstilnih vzorcev iz nekdanje tovarne Tekstilindus v Kranju je bila vzpostavljena povezava z deli slovenskega arhitekta Marjana Šorlija in z vidiki ustvarjanja pop art umetnikov, kot sta Andy Warhol in Roy Lichtenstein. V oblikovanju kolekcije tekstilnih vzorcev sta bili tako združeni svetovna umetnostnozgodovinska in slovenska kulturna dediščina. Teoretičnemu delu, kjer so poglobljeno opisani navdihi, ki so vplivali na ustvarjalni proces, je sledil ustvarjalni del, v katerem so podrobno predstavljeni postopki, uporabljeni za nastanek končne kolekcije tekstilnih vzorcev. Med procesom so bile uporabljene tako analogne kot digitalne ustvarjalne tehnike. Kot izhodišče so služile digitalne fotografije arhitekturnih del Marjana Šorlija, ki so bile rastrirane in digitalno obdelane. Le-te so bile v računalniškem programu združene s poenostavljenimi motivi, vzetimi s skeniranih slik eksperimentalno potiskanega blaga. Izbira motiva povečanih pik – točk – kot najbolj osnovnega in enostavnega likovnega elementa za eksperimentalno ustvarjanje tekstilnih vzorcev je izhajala iz inspiracij, predstavljenih v teoretičnem delu. Nastale slike so bile znova rastrirane in pripravljene za prenos na tekstil. Rastrirane slike so bile s tehniko sitotiska spet natisnjene na blago in ponovno skenirane. Naposled so bile digitalno združene v nove motive, ki so bili v računalniškem programu Adobe Illustrator spremenjeni v ponavljajoče se vzorce, pripravljene za digitalni tekstilni tisk. Za lažjo vizualizacijo uporabe tekstilnih vzorcev v interjerju so bile v programu Blender ustvarjene upodobitve, ki prikazujejo namen kolekcije. Diplomsko delo združuje vse naštete tematike v kolekciji unikatnih vzorcev, pripravljenih za serijsko industrijsko proizvodnjo različnih izdelkov, iz katerih je bila na koncu izvedena kolekcija potiskanih dekorativnih blazin. V končnih izdelkih se odražata dinamika kreativnega procesa in raznorodnost vplivov in tematik, ki so vodile do njih.

Keywords:sitotisk, kolekcija, vzorec, tekstil
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161549 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Title:Design of textile patterns according to the architecture of Marjan Šorli
Through the research of various topics, the thesis focuses on the design of a textile pattern collection intended for digitally printed textiles for the interior, specifically for the textile furnishing of the bedroom, bedding, curtains, pillows, blankets, wallpapers and carpets. The work presents the design process resulting from the original screen prints derived from photographs. Through the analysis of old textile patterns from the former Tekstilindus factory in Kranj, a connection was established with the works of Slovenian architect Marjan Šorli and with aspects of the work of pop art artists such as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. The world art-historical and Slovenian cultural heritage were thus combined in the design process of a textile pattern collection. The theoretical part, which delved into the inspirations that influenced the creative process, was followed by the creative part, in which the procedures used to create the final collection of textile patterns are presented in detail. During the process, both analogue and digital creative techniques were used. The starting point was digital photographs of Marjan Šorli’s architectural works, which were rasterized and digitally processed. These were combined with simplified motifs that were experimentally printed on fabric and then scanned. The choice of the motif – enlarged dots – as the most basic and simple artistic element for the experimental creation of textile patterns stems from all the inspirations mentioned in the theoretical part. The resulting images were rasterized and ready to be transferred to fabric. The rasterized images were screen-printed on fabric and then scanned again. Finally, they were digitally merged via Adobe Illustrator into new motifs that were transformed into seamless print patterns ready for the process of digital textile print. To be able to better visualize the usage of these textile patterns in interior and to demonstrate their purpose, 3D schemes were created in Blender. The thesis connects all of the above-mentioned themes through creating a collection of unique patterns, ready to be serially industrially made into different products. With the use of the pattern collection, finally, a collection of printed decorative pillows was carried out. The end products express the dynamism of the creative process and the variety of influences and themes that led to them.

Keywords:screen printing, collection, pattern, textile

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