
Odškodninska odgovornost posrednika pri posredovanju v prometu z nepremičninami
ID Kodela, Jan (Author), ID Dugar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo se ukvarja z odškodninsko odgovornostjo posrednikov pri posredovanju v prometu z nepremičninami. Na začetku so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča, ki predstavljajo temelj posrednikovih obveznosti pri opravljanju storitev posredovanja. Temeljni predpis, ki ureja delovanje nepremičninskih posrednikov v Sloveniji, je Zakon o nepremičninskem posredovanju. Ker odškodninska odgovornost posrednikov v omenjenem predpisu ni eksplicitno urejena, moramo slednjo izpeljati iz določb posebnega dela Obligacijskega zakonika, konkretno iz določb, ki urejajo mandatno in posredniško pogodbo. Teorija in Sodna praksa sta enotni, da je temelj odškodninske odgovornosti nepremičninskih posrednikov pogodbena odškodninska odgovornost, se pa teorija in praksa razhajata pri vprašanju, ali je mogoče pri pogodbeni odškodninski odgovornosti priznati tudi zahtevke za povrnitev nepremoženjske škode. Novejša praksa temu stališču pritrjuje. V nadaljevanju se naloga osredotoča na praktične vidike predmetne tematike, pri čemer so ločeno obravnavana posrednikova ravnanja, ki spadajo v standardni obseg posredniških storitev in ravnanja, ki spadajo v dodatni obseg storitev posredovanja. Naloga v zaključku obravnava še obvezno zavarovanje poklicne odgovornosti posrednikov.

Keywords:Nepremičninski posrednik, odškodninska odgovornost, nepremičninsko posredovanje, skrbnost dobrega strokovnjaka, zavarovanje odgovornosti.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161544 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207706627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Indemnity liability of real estate brokers
The master thesis deals with the liability of real estate intermediaries in the field of real estate brokerage. It starts with a presentation of the theoretical background which forms the basis of the broker's obligations in the provision of brokerage services. The fundamental regulation governing the activities of real estate agents in Slovenia is the Real Estate Brokerage Act. For the reason that the liability of intermediaries for damages is not expressly regulated in the aforementioned regulation, the latter must be derived from the provisions of a specific part of the Code of Obligations, namely the provisions governing the mandate and the brokerage contract. Both theory and case-law take the view that the basis of the liability of real estate agents is contractual, but theory and case-law differ on the question whether contractual liability may also be invoked to compensate for non-pecuniary damage. Recent case-law supports this view. In the following, the thesis concentrates on the practical aspects of the subject matter, with a separate focus on the intermediary's conduct falling within the standard scope of intermediary services and conduct falling within the additional scope of intermediary services. Finally, the thesis touches upon the compulsory professional indemnity insurance of intermediaries, which is provided for by law and is directly linked to the issue of their liability for damages.

Keywords:Real estate agent, liability for damages, real estate agency, due diligence, liability insurance.

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