
Strujanje taline v ulivnem sistemu - primerjava eksperimenta in numeričnega izračuna
ID Rebol, Aljaž (Author), ID Petrič, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru diplomske naloge smo primerjali strujanje taline z različno postavitvijo ulivnega sistema v peščeni formi. Uporabili smo dva ulivna sistema, divergentnega in konvergentnega, kjer smo opazovali razliko strujanja taline pri litju. Eksperimentalni del smo primerjali tudi z rezultati numeričnih izračunov, kateri so se z dobljenimi eksperimentalnimi rezultati ujemali. Pri izdelku plošče smo želeli opazovati, kako talina kroži v livni votlini. Kroženja taline, kot ga opisuje teorija, nismo opazili. Menimo, da je vzrok vpliv površinske napetosti in/ali oksidacije površine, ter velikostno razmerje modelov. Pri litju blokov, pri katerih je imel vsak svoj dovodni kanal, smo želeli doseči enakomerno polnjenje posameznega bloka, pri čemer smo spreminjali preseke dovodnih kanalov in postavitev ulivnega sistema. Rezultati so pokazali, da je pri naših primerih bil v povprečju boljši divergentni ulivni sistem, kar se tudi ujema s teorijo. Kljub temu, pa nam je pri nekaterih postavitvah ulivnega sistema pokazal konvergentni ulivni sistem bolj enakomerne rezultate polnjenja. S tem smo prišli do zaključka, da v splošnem lahko trdimo, da je divergentni ulivni sistem boljša izbira, vendar moramo upoštevati, da to ne velja v vseh primerih.

Keywords:litje, divergentni ulivni sistem, konvergentni ulivni sistem, blok, plošča
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161541 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Melt flow in a gating system - comparison of experiment and numerical calculation
Within the framework of the diploma thesis, we compared the flow of the melt with different placement of the gating system in the sand mold. We used two gating systems, divergent and convergent, where we observed the difference in melt flow during casting. We also compared the experimental part with the results of numerical calculations, which were in agreement with the obtained experimental results. With the plate product, we wanted to observe how the melt circulates in the casting cavity. We did not observe melt circulation, as described by the theory. We believe that the cause is the effect of surface tension and/or surface oxidation and the size ratio of the models. When casting blocks, each of which had its own inlet channel, we wanted to achieve uniform filling of each block, while changing the cross-sections of the inlet channels and the placement of the gating system. The results showed that in our cases, on average, the divergent gating system was better, which also agrees with the theory. Nevertheless, in some of the gating system layouts, the convergent gating system showed us more even filling results. With this we have come to the conclusion that in general we can say that the divergent gating system is a better choice, but we must keep in mind that this is not the case in all cases.

Keywords:casting, divergent gating system, convergent gating system, block, plate

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