
ID Lazar, Jernej (Author), ID Twrdy, Elen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je podrobneje analizirano skladiščenje hitro pokvarljivega blaga na splošno in na primeru slovenskega pristanišča Luke Koper. Skladiščenje hitro pokvarljivega blaga je ključno za uspešno logistično transportno verigo, saj vpliva na kakovost in varnost živil ter učinkovitost celotnega dobavnega procesa. Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz petih poglavij. Najprej je na splošno predstavljeno hitro pokvarljivo blago in skladiščenje tega. Navedeno je blago, ki se šteje za hitro pokvarljivo, predstavljeni so splošni pogoji uspešnega skladiščenja in tipi skladišč hitro pokvarljivega blaga. Sledi predstavitev zakonskih regulativ in standardov kakovosti, ki veljajo za Evropsko unijo in posledično tudi Republiko Slovenijo. V diplomski nalogi je obširno predstavljeno slovensko pristanišče Luke Koper. Izpostavljen je terminal za generalne tovore, katerega del je tudi terminal za hlajene tovore, ki je predmet analize diplomske naloge. Predstavljeni so tipi skladišč, ki se uporabljajo v Luki Koper. Opisan je uvoz in izvoz hitro pokvarljivega blaga. Opravljena je analiza pretovora hitro pokvarljivega blaga na terminalu za hlajene tovore v Luki Koper, v primerjavi s pretovorom celotnega tovora na terminalu za generalne tovore, prav tako v Luki Koper. Opravljena je tudi primerjalna analiza s konkurenčnim pristaniščem v Severnem Jadranu – Luko Trst. Tržaško pristanišče je predstavljeno na podoben način kot Luka Koper. Podane so možnosti za izboljšave, ki temeljijo na opravljenem intervjuju z zaposlenim skladiščnikom na terminalu za hlajene tovore.

Keywords:logistika, skladiščenje, hitro pokvarljivo blago, pretovor, Luka Koper, terminal za generalne tovore, terminal za hlajene tovore, Luka Trst, primerjalna analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161537 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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The thesis dives into the intricate aspects of storing perishable goods, focusing particularly on Slovenia's Luka Koper port as a case study. Efficient storage of perishable goods is crucial for ensuring the quality and safety of food items and for optimizing the entire supply chain process. The thesis comprises five chapters. Initially, it provides a broad overview of perishable goods and their storage requirements. It defines perishable goods, discusses the essential conditions for effective storage, and outlines different types of warehouses suitable for perishable items. Following this, it delves into the legal regulations and quality standards applicable to both the European Union and Slovenia. Subsequently, the thesis thoroughly examines Port of Koper, shedding light on its general cargo terminal and specifically its refrigerated goods terminal, which is the focal point of the analysis. It discusses the various warehouse facilities utilized within Port of Koper and elucidates the import and export processes for perishable goods. Furthermore, it conducts an in-depth analysis of the handling procedures for perishable goods at the refrigerated goods terminal, comparing them to those at the general cargo terminal within Port of Koper. Additionally, a comparative analysis is conducted with a rival port in the Northern Adriatic region, namely Port of Trieste, which is presented in a similar fashion to Port of Koper. Lastly, the thesis offers recommendations for enhancements based on insights gleaned from an interview with a warehouse employee at the refrigerated goods terminal.

Keywords:logistics, storage, perishable goods, handling, Port of Koper, general cargo terminal, reefer terminal, Port of Trieste, comparative analysis

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