
Analiza nosljivih naprav za samosledenje s pomočjo teorije rab in zadovoljitev
ID P. Badovinac, Tjaša (Avtor), ID Golob Podnar, Urška (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Teorija rab in zadovoljitev je v zadnjih desetletjih ponovno pridobila na priljubljenosti, saj zaradi sprememb, ki jih je v tehnološki razvoj vnesel Internet, ne govorimo več o občinstvu, temveč o uporabnikih. Nosljive naprave pa so samosledenje digitalizirale in deinstitucionalizirale, zato je ključno razumeti motive za uporabo teh naprav, rabe in zadovoljitve, ki jih uporabniki pridobijo, ter primerjavo pričakovanih in pridobljenih zadovoljitev, kar je bil cilj tega magistrskega dela. Podatke smo zbrali s tremi fokusnimi skupinami, jih analizirali s pomočjo kvalitativne vsebinske analize in idenificirali pet najpogostejših rab in zadovoljitev: samosledenje, šport in aktivnosti, informacije, priročnost, motivacija. Ugotovili smo še, da se uporabniki za nakup in uporabo nosljivih naprav za samosledenje odločajo zaradi kompleksne kombinacije motivov, lastnosti naprav in življenjskih okoliščin ter da pridobljene zadovoljitve presegajo pričakovane zadovoljitve, k čemur pripomorejo tehnološke zmožnosti nosljivih naprav. Skladno s teorijo rab in zadovoljitev potrjujemo, da so zadovoljitve zakoreninjene v socialnem in psihološkem izvoru potreb ter se razvijajo v kontekstu uporabe novih tehnologij. Ob ključnih ugotovitvah predlagamo še možnosti za nadaljnje raziskave, vključno z longitudinalnimi študijami in kvantitativnimi analizami, ki bi lahko ponudile dodatne vpoglede v uporabo nosljivih naprav za samosledenje.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:rabe in zadovoljitve, teorija rab in zadovoljitev, samosledenje, nosljive naprave, nosljive naprave za samosledenje
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FDV - Fakulteta za družbene vede
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161530 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:12.09.2024
Število ogledov:49
Število prenosov:10
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Analysis of wearable self-tracking devices through the lens of the Uses and Gratifications Theory
In recent decades, the Uses and Gratifications Theory has regained acclaim and popularity. As a consequence of the changes in technological development brought about by the Internet, the focus of inquiry has shifted from audiences to users. Wearable devices have digitalized and deinstitutionalized self-tracking; therefore, it is essential to understand the motives for using these devices, the uses and gratifications users obtain, and the comparison between sought and obtained gratifications, which was the goal of this research. Data were collected using three focus groups and analyzed using qualitative content analysis, which brought us to the identification of five most common uses and gratifications: self-tracking, sports and activities, information, convenience, and motivation. Moreover, other findings demonstrated that the users’ purchase decisions and the use of wearable self-tracking devices are influenced by a complex combination of motives, device characteristics, and life circumstances, and that the obtained gratifications often exceed saught gratifications, mainly due to the technological affordances of wearable devices. Consistent with the Uses and Gratifications Theory, we confirm that gratifications are rooted in the social and psychological origins of needs and that they evolve in the context of use of new technologies. Along with the key findings, we also propose avenues for further research, such as longitudinal studies and quantitative analyses, which could provide additional insights into the use of wearable self-tracking devices.

Ključne besede:uses and gratifications, uses and gratifications theory, self-tracking, wearable devices, wearable self-tracking devices

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