
Reprezentacija spolov v učbenikih za učenje korejskega jezika: Analiza Seoul National University učbenikov
ID Nadoh, Tjaša (Author), ID Ryu, Hyeonsook (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo preučuje reprezentacijo spolov v dveh serijah učbenikov korejskega jezika: Seoul National University Seouldae Hangugeo 1A-3B in I Love Korean 1-6. Analiza se osredotoča na število moških in ženskih likov v dialogih (vidnost), kateri spol večkrat začne pogovor, za bolj podroben prikaz pa tudi v katerih poklicih in aktivnostih sta prikazana spola. Rezultati kažejo večjo vidnost moških v Seouldae Hangugeo učbenikih in bolj uravnoteženo zastopanost spolov v I Love Korean učbenikih. V večini učbenikov so ženske pogosteje dajale pobude za pogovor. Kar zadeva poklicov, so bile ženske pogosto prikazane v vlogah prodajalk, medtem ko so bili moški redko prikazani v poklicu prodajalca. Dejavnosti in hobiji so se razlikovali, moški so se pogosteje ukvarjali s športom, ženske pa so bile pogosteje prikazane pri nakupovanju. Rezultati analize kažejo, da so v I Love Korean učbenikih sicer bolje uravnotežena reprezentacija, vendar spolni stereotipi še vedno ostajajo, kar kaže na potrebo po stalnih prizadevanjih za doseganje enakosti spolov v izobraževalnih gradivih.

Keywords:reprezentacija spolov, spolni stereotipi, učbeniki za korejščino, analiza, dialogi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161506 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Gender Representation in Textbooks for Learning Korean: Analysis of Seoul National University Textbooks
This thesis examines the representation of gender in two series of Korean language textbooks: Seouldae Hangugeo 1A-3B and I Love Korean 1-6. The analysis focuses on the number of male and female characters in the dialogues (visibility), which gender starts the conversation more often, and for a more detailed picture, in which professions and activities the genders are depicted. The results show a higher visibility of men in Seouldae Hangugeo textbooks and a more balanced representation of genders in I Love Korean textbooks. Women were also more likely to initiate conversation in most textbooks. In terms of occupations, women were often shown in the roles of saleswomen, while men were rarely shown in the occupation of salesman. Activities and hobbies varied, with men more likely to be involved in sport and women more likely to be shown shopping. The results of the analysis show that while there is a better balanced representation in I Love Korean textbooks, gender stereotypes still persist, indicating the need for continuous efforts to achieve gender equality in educational materials.

Keywords:gender representation, gender stereotypes, Korean language textbooks, analysis, dialogues

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