
Merilni sistem za študij prekognicije
ID Hadrović, Enis (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Merilni sistem za študij prekognicije je bil zasnovan z namenom ponovitve raziskave profesorja Daryla J. Bema, ki je leta 2011 na univerzi Cornell objavil znanstveni članek z naslovom "Feeling the Future." Rezultati njegove raziskave so pokazali, da so ljudje v 53 % primerov sposobni napovedati dogodek v prihodnosti. Ker koncept presega tradicionalno razumevanje človeškega vedenja, sem se odločil razviti merilni sistem za ponovno izvedbo te raziskave. Merilni sistem je bil sestavljen iz ekrana, programske opreme za ugotavljanje slik iz IAPS, miške z vgrajenim EDA mikrokrmilnikom. Sistem sem zasnoval z uporabo JS, HTML in C++ programskih okolij ter ga integriral z napravo ŠvicMiš. Merilni sistem deluje kot kviz, kjer ima merjenec na voljo dve možnosti in izbira, za katero sliko misli, da se bo prikazala. Z meritvami prostovoljcev sem naredil prvi korak k ustvarjanju primerljivih rezultatov, pri čemer je bil dosežen odstotek nekaj manj kot 55 % pravilnega napovedovanja dogodkov. Pomembno je poudariti, da je bilo število meritev premajhno, da bi z gotovostjo trdil, da sem dosegel enake rezultate kot v prvotni raziskavi.

Keywords:EDA, prekognicija, ŠvicMiš, IAPS, valenca, vzburjanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161468 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207293187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Title:Measurement system for the study of precognition
The measurement system for the study of precognition was designed to replicate the research of Professor Daryl J. Bem, who published a scientific paper in 2011 at Cornell University entitled "Feeling the Future." The results of his research showed that people can predict an event in the future in 53% of cases. Since the concept goes beyond the traditional understanding of human behavior, I decided to develop a measurement system to redo this research. The measurement system consisted of a screen, software for identifying images from IAPS, a mouse with a built-in EDA microcontroller. I designed the system using JS, HTML and C++ programming environments and integrated it with the ŠvicMiš device. The measurement system works like a quiz whereby measuring volunteers, I took the first step towards producing comparable results, achieving a percentage of just under 55% correct prediction of events. It is important to emphasize that the number of measurements was too small to say with certainty that I achieved the same results as in the original research. By measuring volunteers, I took the first step towards producing comparable results, achieving a percentage of just under 55% correct prediction of events. It is important to emphasize that the number of measurements was too small to say with certainty that I achieved the same results as in the original research.

Keywords:EDA, pre-cognition, ŠvicMiš, IAPS, valence, arousal

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