
Varnostno kopiranje podatkovnih baz z orodjem Veeam
ID Babič, Neja (Author), ID Mraz, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo izdelavo varnostnih kopij PostgreSQL podatkovnih baz in restavracijo podatkovnih baz v primeru podatkovnega incidenta. Prikažemo izdelavo varnostnih kopij in restavracijo na različne načine glede na potrebe naročnika. Najprej si pogledamo strategije izdelave varnostnih kopij in zahteve naročnika. Nato si podrobneje ogledamo orodje "Veeam Backup & Replication". To je orodje namenjeno izdelavi varnostnih kopij različnih fizičnih ali navideznih strojev in njegovih aplikacij. Prikažemo izdelavo varnostnih kopij z ukazi in metodami, ki so vgrajene v PostgreSQL bazi. Te nato avtomatiziramo z uporabo razvrščevalnika opravil in orodja Cron. V nadaljevanju prikažemo izdelavo varnostnih kopij z uporabo orodja "Veeam", kjer varnostno kopijo izdelamo z uporabo skript in z uporabo "Veeam agenta za Linux", ki je ena izmed komponent orodja "Veeam". Obravnavali smo tudi restavracijo PostgreSQL podatkovne baze. Prikazali smo tri različne načine restavracije podatkovne baze, in sicer restavracijo podatkovne baze z ukazom vgrajenim v PostgreSQL bazi, restavracijo podatkovne baze z orodjem "Veeam" na Windows strežniku in restavracijo stanja do točke v času, ki jo orodje "Veeam" omogoča pri PostgreSQL bazah na Linux strežnikih in zagotavlja obnovitev baze z najmanjšo izgubo podatkov. Za konec primerjamo izdelavo varnostnih kopij z in brez uporabe orodja "Veeam".

Keywords:varnostna kopija, restavracija, Veeam Backup & Replication, PITR, RTO, RPO, PostgreSQL, podatkovna baza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161451 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:212464387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Database backup with Veeam
In the diploma thesis, we discuss the creation of backups of PostgreSQL databases and the restoration of databases in the event of a data incident. We demonstrate the creation of backup copies and the restoration of databases in a variety of ways that meet the needs of our client. First, we look at backup strategies and client requirements. Then we take a closer look at the ''Veeam Backup & Replication'' tool. This tool is designed to create backups of various physical or virtual machines and its applications. We demonstrate the creation of backup copies with commands and methods that are already built into the PostgreSQL database. These we then automate using a task scheduler and the Cron tool. In the following, we demonstrate the creation of backups using the "Veeam" tool, where the backup copy was created using scripts and the "Veeam agent for Linux", which is one of the components of the "Veeam" tool. We also discuss the restoration of the PostgreSQL database. We show three different methods of database restoration, namely database restoration with a command built into the PostgreSQL database, database restoration using ''Veeam'' tool on a Windows server, and point-in-time restoration using ''Veeam'' tool, that enables PostgreSQL databases on Linux servers and ensures the shortest possible database recovery time. Finally, we compared the creation of backup copies with and without the use of the "Veeam" tool.

Keywords:backup, restore, Veeam Backup & Replication, PITR, RTO, RPO, PostgreSQL, database

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