
Doživljanje tesnobe pri starših otrok s cerebralno paralizo : magistrsko delo
ID Kušar, Lara (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V pričujočem magistrskem delu avtorica preučuje doživljanje tesnobe pri starših otrok s cerebralno paralizo. Na začetku magistrskega dela so predstavljene značilnosti in informacije o diagnozi, kar prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju cerebralne paralize. Nato avtorica obravnava tesnobo in z njo povezan koncept strahu, pri čemer se dotakne tudi starševskega stresa. Sledi predstavitev procesa prilagajanja staršev na otroka s cerebralno paralizo, ki vključuje preučevanje doživljanja staršev, sprememb v družinski strukturi ter družinskih odnosih in kvalitete življenja teh staršev. V empiričnem delu je avtorica raziskovala doživljanje tesnobe pri starših otrok s cerebralno paralizo, pri čemer je uporabila fenomenološko metodo. Raziskava je vključevala šest udeležencev, s katerimi je izvedla polstrukturirane intervjuje. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da vnaprejšnja seznanjenost z možnostjo zdravstvenih ali razvojnih težav pri otroku bistveno vpliva na odziv staršev ob diagnozi, kar vodi k manjši meri šoka in tesnobe. Prav tako je bilo ugotovljeno, da skrb za otroka s cerebralno paralizo vpliva na družinsko dinamiko ter na družinske in prijateljske odnose. Skrb za otroka pogosto obremeni matere, kar negativno vpliva na partnerski odnos in pozornost do drugih otrok. Mati, ki večinoma prevzame glavno odgovornost za nego otroka, se pogosto izčrpava do te mere, da ji primanjkuje časa za partnerja in druge otroke. Intenzivna skrb za otroka zmanjša razpoložljivost staršev za druženje in vzdrževanje prijateljskih vezi. Glavne skrbi staršev so bile povezane z otrokovo prihodnostjo, zlasti glede otrokove samostojnosti, socialne integracije in zdravstvenih težav.

Keywords:otroci s cerebralno paralizo, tesnoba, starševski stres, soočanje z diagnozo, fenomenološka metoda
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana ; Maribor
Publisher:[L. Kušar Horvat]
Number of pages:VI, 63, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161439 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208704771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The experience of anxiety in parents of children with cerebral palsy
In this master's thesis, the author examines the experience of anxiety in parents of children with cerebral palsy. The thesis begins by presenting the characteristics of cerebral palsy and information about the diagnosis, which contributes to a better understanding of cerebral palsy. The author then discusses anxiety and the related concept of fear, touching on parental stress. This is followed by a presentation of the process of parental adjustment to a child with cerebral palsy, which includes an examination of the parents' experiences, changes in family structure and their relationships, as well as the parents' quality of life. In the empirical part, the author explored the experience of anxiety in parents of children with cerebral palsy, using a phenomenological method. The study involved six participants with whom semi-structured interviews were conducted. The findings showed that knowing in advance that a child may have health or developmental issues significantly influences the parents' response to the diagnosis, leading to lower levels of shock and anxiety. In addition, caring for a child with cerebral palsy has an impact on family dynamics as well as on family and friendship relationships. The process of caring for a child often puts a strain on mothers, which has a negative impact on partner relationships and attention to other children. The mother, who usually takes the main responsibility, is often exhausted to the point where she has no time for her partner and other children. Intensive care for the child reduces the parents' availability for socialising and maintaining friendships. Parents' main concerns were related to the child's future, in particular regarding the child's independence, social integration and health problems.

Keywords:children with cerebral palsy, anxiety, parental stress, coping with the diagnosis, phenomenological method

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