
vloga socialnega dela pri rehabilitaciji športnikov po poškodbi
ID Petrovič, Sara (Avtor), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomski nalogi pišem o vlogi socialnega dela na področju rehabilitacije športnikov po poškodbi. V teoretičnem delu se osredotočim na razvoj in vlogo socialnega dela v športu, kar podkrepim z opisom potrebnih kompetenc in vrednot socialnih delavk, ki delujejo na tem področju. Nadaljujem z opisom rehabilitacije športnikov po poškodbi, kjer se osredotočim na načela in proces rehabilitiranja športnikov po poškodbi in predstavim, kako se športniki v tem obdobju čustveno odzivajo, ter opredelim pomembnost socialne podpore. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega uvoda predstavim vlogo socialnega dela v rehabilitaciji, kjer se osredotočim na medpoklicno sodelovanje. V empiričnem delu so predstavljene značilnosti izvedene kvalitativne raziskave in rezultati, pridobljeni s pomočjo polstrukturiranega intervjuja, opravljenega s šestimi socialnimi delavci in delavkami. Rezultati so pokazali, da socialno delo na področju rehabilitacije športnikov v Sloveniji med socialnimi delavkami, športniki, športnimi organizacijami, panogami in ekipami ni dobro poznano. Večina sogovornic meni, da je za to krivo pomanjkanje institucionalnih okvirjev in programov, ki bi vključevali socialne delavke v športne ekipe ter organizacije. Sodelujoče v raziskavi so izrazile mnenje o potencialno pomembni vlogi socialnega dela na področju rehabilitacije športnikov po poškodbi, predvsem v smislu psihosocialne in čustvene podpore športnikom med obdobjem okrevanja, kar bi jim lahko omogočilo hitrejšo in kvalitetnejšo rehabilitacijo. Velik prispevek socialnega dela je tudi možnost medpoklicnega sodelovanja in povezovanja v multidisciplinarne time in sodelovanje s športnikovo družino, ki je eden izmed glavnih virov podpore poškodovanemu športniku. Sodelujoči v raziskavi menijo, da bi bila z večjo ozaveščenostjo, izobraževanjem in promocijo vloge socialnega dela na področju rehabilitacije športnikov po poškodbi vloga socialnih delavk na tem področju bolj prepoznana in cenjena.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:šport, rehabilitacija, socialno delo v rehabilitaciji, psihosocialna pomoč in podpora, multidisciplinarni pristop
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161437 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:11.09.2024
Število ogledov:89
Število prenosov:19
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:the role of social work in the rehabilitation of athletes after injury
In my diploma thesis, I write about the role of social work in the field of rehabilitation of athletes after injury. In the theoretical part, I focus on the development and role of social work in sports, which I support by describing the necessary competencies and values of social workers working in this field. I continue with the description of the rehabilitation of athletes after an injury, where I focus on the principles and process of rehabilitation of athletes after an injury and present how athletes react emotionally during this period and define the importance of social support. In the last part of the theoretical introduction, I present the role of social work in rehabilitation, where I focus on interprofessional cooperation. Empirical part presents the characteristics of the conducted qualitative research and the results obtained with the help of a semi-structured interview conducted with six social workers. Results showed that social work in the field of rehabilitation of athletes in Slovenia is not well known among social workers, athletes, sports organizations, disciplines and teams. Most interviewees believe that this is due to the lack of institutional frameworks and programs that would include social workers in sports teams and organizations. Participants in the research expressed their opinion about the potentially important role of social work in the field of rehabilitation of athletes after injury, especially in terms of psychosocial and emotional support for athletes during the recovery period, which would enable them to have a faster and better quality rehabilitation. Major contribution of social work is also the possibility of interprofessional cooperation and integration into multidisciplinary teams, as well as cooperation with the athlete’s family, which is one of the main sources of support for the injured athlete. Participants in the research believe that with greater awareness, education and promotion of the role of social work in the field of rehabilitation of athletes after injury, the role of social workers in this field would be more recognized and appreciated.

Ključne besede:sport, rehabilitation, social work in rehabilitation, psychosocial help and support, multidisciplinary approach

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