
Vrednotenje vpliva solinskega blata na izbrane parametre kože
ID Pirec, Urška (Author), ID Zvonar Pobirk, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Geršak, Gregor (Comentor)

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Solinsko blato, znano tudi kot fango, je naravni material, bogat z različnimi morskimi minerali, kot so magnezij, kalcij, natrij, kalij, silicij, žveplo, brom in jod. Te minerale blato pridobi med postopnim dozorevanjem v solinskih bazenih, kjer je v stiku s slanico. Solinsko blato je že stoletja priznano naravno sredstvo, ki se uporablja v medicinske namene, predvsem za zdravljenje revmatičnih in degenerativnih sklepnih bolezni ter lajšanje bolečin v lokomotornem sistemu. Poleg tega se uporablja tudi v kozmetične namene zaradi svojih čistilnih in proticelulitnih lastnosti, saj pospešuje izločanje odpadnih snovi iz telesa ter pripomore k mehkejšemu, bolj napetemu in čistejšemu videzu kože. V okviru diplomske naloge smo preučevali vpliv solinskega blata iz Piranskih solin na izraženost celulita in njegovo čistilno delovanje. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 16 prostovoljk, starih med 20 in 60 let, ki so izdelek v skladu z navodili za uporabo tri tedne uporabljale na izbranih predelih telesa (stegno in čelo) . Pred in med zaključkom ter po zaključku raziskave smo pri prostovoljkah spremljali vrednosti izbranih funkcijskih parametrov kože: transepidermalno izgubo vode (TEWL), hidratacijo, izločanje sebuma, biomehanske lastnosti kože in temperaturo kože. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da redna uporaba solinskega blata izboljša videz kože stegna in biomehanske lastnosti kože (čvrstost, elastičnost). Po uporabi izdelka je koža postala tudi bolj gladka. Ugodne učinke smo potrdili tudi na koži obraza, saj se je pri večini prostovoljk izboljšala hidratacija in barierna funkcija kože. Poleg tega se je po daljšem obdobju uporabe normalizirala vrednost sebuma na koži, kar kaže na uravnavanje proizvodnje sebuma in splošno izboljšanje stanja kože. Navedeni učinki so bili bolj izraziti po daljšem obdobju uporabe (3 tedni), kar potrjuje potrebo po redni uporabi izdelka za doseganje optimalnih rezultatov. Kljub prisotnosti nekaterih neželenih učinkov (srbečica, rdečica in rahlo pekoč občutek po nanosu izdelka) so bili rezultati v splošnem pozitivni, kar so udeleženke potrdile tudi v okviru samoevalvacije. Za doseganje optimalnih rezultatov je solinsko blato najbolje uporabljati kot del celovite nege v kombinaciji z drugimi čistilnimi in vlažilnimi kozmetičnimi izdelki.

Keywords:solinsko blato, celulit, čiščenje kože, hidratacija, TEWL, izločanje sebuma, biomehanske lastnosti kože, termografija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161429 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of salt mud's impact on selected skin parameters
Salt mud, also known as fango, is a natural material rich in various marine minerals such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, silicon, sulfur, bromine, and iodine. These minerals are acquired during the mud’s gradual maturation in salt pans where it comes into contact with brine. Salt mud has been recognized for centuries as a natural remedy used for medicinal purposes, particularly for the treatment of rheumatic and degenerative joint diseases and for the relief of pain in the locomotor system. It is also used for cosmetic purposes for its cleansing and anti-cellulite properties, as it promotes the elimination of waste substances from the body and helps to make the skin look softer, tighter, and clearer. In the framework of the thesis, the influence of salt mud from the Piran salt pans on the expression of cellulite and its cleansing action was studied. The study involved 16 female volunteers, aged between 20 and 60 years, who applied the product on selected areas of the body (thigh and forehead) for three weeks according to the instructions for use. Before, during, and after the study, the volunteers were monitored for selected skin functional parameters: transepidermal water loss (TEWL), hydration, sebum secretion, skin biomechanical properties, and skin temperature. The results of the study showed that regular use of the saline mud improved the appearance of the skin of the thigh and the biomechanical properties of the skin (firmness, elasticity). The skin also became smoother after the use of the product. The beneficial effects were also confirmed on the facial skin, as most of the volunteers showed an improvement in hydration and barrier function of the skin. In addition, after a prolonged period of use, the sebum level on the skin normalized, indicating a regulation of sebum production and an overall improvement of the skin condition. These effects were more pronounced after a longer period of use (3 weeks), confirming the need for regular use of the product to achieve optimal results. Despite the presence of some side effects (itching, redness, and a slight burning sensation after application of the product), the results were generally positive, as confirmed by the participants in the self-evaluation. For optimal results, saline mud is best used as part of a complete skin care regimen, in combination with other cleansing and moisturizing cosmetic products.

Keywords:salt mud, cellulite, skin cleansing, hydration, TEWL, sebum secretion, skin biomechanical properties, thermography

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