
Optimizacija skladiščnih prostorov v podjetju: Analiza trenutnega stanja in predlogi za povečanje učinkovitosti in produktivnosti
ID Bertok Maraspin, Teja (Author), ID Rihar, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jenko, Marjan (Comentor)

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V podjetju se je pojavila zahteva za trikratno zmanjšanje skladiščnega prostora. Z analizo letnega obsega naročil smo se osredotočili na planiranje proizvodnje treh linij, da bi optimizirali sam proizvodni proces in se izognili prekomernim zalogam v skladišču. Predlagali smo prehod iz tradicionalnega načina veliko serijske proizvodnje, na agilno vodenje proizvodnje. Z metodo obrata družine izdelkov in metodo mešanega modela smo uvedli proizvodnjo z večjim številom proizvodnih ciklov krajših serij, kar je zmanjšalo potrebo po skladiščenju velike količine izdelkov. Z optimizacijo proizvodnih procesov smo omogočili enomesečno skladiščenje zalog in zmanjšali časovne izgube med samo proizvodnjo. Prav tako smo povečali produktivnost proizvodnje, ki je podjetju prinesla znatne finančne prihranke, in izboljšali fleksibilnost planiranja proizvodnje, kar omogoča hitrejše odzivanje na spremembe na trgu.

Keywords:optimizacija, proizvodni procesi, obrat družine izdelkov, zmanjšanje zalog, skladiščne kapacitete
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161414 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Optimisation of storage space in the company: Analysis of the current situation and suggestions for increasing efficiency and productivity
The company was asked to reduce its storage space by a factor of three. By analyzing the annual order volumes, we focused on planning the production of three lines in order to optimize the production process itself and to avoid overstocking in the warehouse. We proposed to switch from the traditional way of large batch production to agile production management. Using the product family turnaround method and the mixed model method, we introduced production with a higher number of production cycles of shorter batches, which reduced the need to store large quantities of products. By optimizing the production processes, we have enabled one month of stockholding and reduced time losses during production itself. We have also increased production productivity, which has brought significant financial savings for the company, and improved flexibility in production planning, allowing us to react more quickly to changes in the market.

Keywords:optimization, production processes, product family turnover, inventory reduction, storage capacity

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