
Vloga trajnostnega menedžmenta človeških virov v slovenskih organizacijah
ID Duvnjak, Barbara (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lobe, Bojana (Comentor)

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Doktorska disertacija se osredotoča na vlogo, ki jo ima trajnostni menedžment človeških virov v slovenskih organizacijah. Kompleksnost trajnostnega razvoja je v teoretičnem delu prikazana z več vidikov. Ker je koncept pojmovan z različnih perspektiv, smo s poglobljenim pregledom zgodovinskih dogodkov in literature prikazali razvoj koncepta na mednarodni politični ravni, kjer smo jasno prikazali postopno prepoznavanje vloge in odgovornosti, ki jo imajo organizacije pri usmerjanju družb v trajnostni način življenja. V skladu s tem smo se usmerili na področje organizacijskega konteksta, kjer smo se posvetili menedžmentu človeških virov. S pregledom literature smo prikazali ključne razvojne teorije, koncepte in modele, ki so izoblikovale različne pristope in zaključili s prehodom iz strateškega k trajnostnemu menedžmentu človeških virov. Pri slednjem smo prikazali raznolike pristope, ki kažejo, da v obstoječi literaturi ne obstaja enotna definicija in predlagan model. Z empirično raziskavo, v katero smo vključili tri velike slovenske organizacije, smo poskušali identificirati značilnosti morebitne usmerjenosti organizacij v trajnostni razvoj ter prvine menedžmenta človeških virov, ki bi jih lahko opredelili kot trajnostne. Z različnimi metodološkimi pristopi, in sicer s polstrukturiranimi intervjuji, medijsko analizo, analizo vsebine trajnostnih in letnih poročil in podatkov raziskave CRANET smo ugotovili, da v Sloveniji obstajajo trajnostno usmerjene organizacije ter da pri tem lahko predpostavljamo obstoj trajnostnega menedžmenta človeških virov. Empirična raziskava je pokazala, da ima trajnostni menedžment človeških virov ključno vlogo pri trajnostnem delovanju organizacij ter da je dediščinski kontekst pomemben dejavnik pri razvoju in implementaciji strategij, praks in politik trajnostnega menedžmenta človeških virov. V doktorski disertaciji predlagamo kontekstualno specifičen model trajnostnega menedžmenta človeških virov s poudarkom na postsocialističnem kontekstu.

Keywords:trajnostni razvoj, trajnostni menedžment človeških virov, odgovornost, kontekst, človeški viri
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161412 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Title:The role of sustainable human resource management in Slovenian organisations
The PhD thesis focuses on the role of sustainable human resource management in Slovenian organisations. The complexity of sustainable development is presented in the theoretical part from several perspectives. As the concept is still perceived through different perspectives, an in-depth review of crucial historical events and literature has been used to show the evolution of the concept on the international political level. In that, we demonstrated the gradual recognition of the role and accountability that organisations have in guiding societies towards a sustainable way of life. Accordingly, we have turned our attention to the field of organisational context, where we have focused on human resource management. Through a literature review, we have illustrated the key development theories, concepts and models that have shaped the different approaches, concluding with the transition from strategic to sustainable human resource management. For the latter, we have illustrated the diversity of approaches, showing that there is no single definition and proposed model in the existing literature. Through an empirical study involving three large Slovenian organisations, we sought to identify the characteristics of organisations’ potential orientation towards sustainable development and the elements of human resource management that could be defined as sustainable. Using a variety of methodological approaches, namely semi-structured interviews, media analysis, content analysis of sustainability, annual reports and CRANET research data, we established the existence of sustainably-oriented organisations in Slovenia. The empirical research showed that sustainable human resource management plays a key role in the orientation of organisations in sustainable development and that the heritage context is an important factor in the development and implementation of sustainable human resource management strategies, practices and policies. In the doctoral dissertation we propose a context-specific model of sustainable human resource management with a focus on the post-socialist context.

Keywords:sustainable development, sustainable human resource management, accountability, context, human resources

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