
Spreminjajoče se podobe žensk: oglasi gospodinjskih pripomočkov v socializmu in konstrukcija ženskosti v reviji Naša žena
ID Samec, Ajda (Author), ID Vezovnik, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Čas socializma je bil čas, ko so se ženske pri nas zares vpisale v zgodovino in potrošnja je postala ključni del družbe. V svojem diplomskem delu sem raziskovala reprezentacijo žensk v oglasih gospodinjskih pripomočkov revije Naša žena v obdobju socializma. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako so oglasi oblikovali družbene vloge žensk, kako so se podobe žensk spreminjale in kako se je koncept ženskosti konstruiral skozi različna obdobja socializma. S pomočjo semiotične analize sem proučila vizualne, besedilne in simbolne reprezentacije žensk v oglasih od leta 1960 do 1990. Ugotovila sem, da so oglasi večinoma prikazovali ženske kot gospodinje, matere in žene, kar je utrjevalo tradicionalne spolne vloge. Hkrati so oglasi promovirali modernizacijo gospodinjstva in uporabo sodobnih pripomočkov, kar je prispevalo k idealizaciji podobe sodobne gospodinje, ki učinkovito upravlja gospodinjska opravila z uporabo modernih gospodinjskih pripomočkov. Glavne ugotovitve kažejo, da so oglasi igrali ključno vlogo pri konstruiranju ženskosti in oblikovanju potrošniških trendov v socialistični družbi.

Keywords:reprezentacija žensk, oglasi, gospodinjski pripomočki, socializem, revija Naša žena.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161409 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Title:Changing Images of Women: Household Appliance Advertisements in Socialism and the Construction of Femininity in the Magazine Naša žena
The socialist era was a time when women truly made their mark in history and consumerism became a key part of society. In my thesis, I researched the representation of women in household appliance advertisements in the magazine Naša žena during the socialist period. The aim of the research was to determine how advertisements shaped societal roles of women, how images of women changed, and how the concept of femininity was constructed through different periods of socialism. Using semiotic analysis, I examined the visual, textual, and symbolic representations of women in advertisements from 1960 to 1990. I found that advertisements primarily depicted women as housewives, mothers, and wives, reinforcing traditional gender roles. At the same time, the advertisements promoted the modernization of households and the use of contemporary appliances, contributing to the idealization of the image of the modern housewife who efficiently manages household tasks with modern household appliances. The main findings indicate that advertisements played a crucial role in constructing femininity and shaping consumer trends in socialist society.

Keywords:representation of women, advertisements, household appliances, socialism, magazine Naša žena.

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